The Ice prince

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Soon after Min-Joon died he was reincarnated as a prince from The Obelia empire.

He starts to hear loud footsteps getting closer to him, there's lots of noises surrounding Min-Joon, the loud footsteps are joined with a baby's crying and men shouting.

After a few seconds, he sees a man, hair as shiny as the sun, eyes as blue as the sea, crying over him...all of a sudden he hears a soft voice say...

"Y-your majesty..."

A man with red hair and grayish eyes standing over the emperor...

"Did you kill them..."

He said...

"Yes your majesty..."


The emperor replied.He picks Min-Joon, and See's his unique features, blue jeweled eyes just like Him but as clear as ice, but hair as white as winter...just like his mother's.the emperor lays Min-Joons head on his left shoulder while he picks up the other baby and lays his head on his right shoulder.

"What are their names your majesty"

"Apollo and Eros"

"Such wonderful names your majesty"

"... Thank you Felix..."

Yes indeed they were wonderful names, for the Obelia twins.

"So my new name is Apollo..."

Min-Joon said.

"And this other baby is my twin brother..."

Soon after, Apollo falls asleep, along with Eros, his twin brother.

*Opens his eyes*
Apollo opened his eyes so see toys dangling.

"Am I in a crib"

Apollo thought, and he was right he was in a crib, and right next to him was he's twin brother sound asleep.He thought about how he would get Claudes attention, and then he thought about an idea, he starts playing with the toys that are dangling, right away Claude got up and walked over to his son, Apollo, he picked him up and said.

"How was my sons nap"

*Apollo smiles*

Claude seeing he's sons smile made a small smile form on his face, and so Claude took Apollo to his desk and held him on his lap while working.

Soon after Eros woke up crying. Claude gets up and with Apollo still in his arms and picks up Eros.Apollo sees Eros features, he had shiny hair just like their father and blue jeweled eyes just like the ocean.

"He looks like a smaller version of Claude"

Apollo thought. After Eros calms down, Claude sets them both down on his lap, all of a sudden he sees a picture...a picture with a beautiful woman with white hair just like his and a pair of green eyes that are shinier then emeralds them selfs, he thought about pointing at the picture indicting he wants to know about her but he knows that Claude would only get colder and sadder.

After Claude finished his paper work, he got up and started walking, he started talking to Felix.


"Yes your majesty "

"I'll be making Apollo the crown prince de Algar Obelia, so I'm asking you to take care of that for me, alright"

"Yes your majesty"


Apollo screamed in his head, soon after Claude talked to Felix, he was having tea with some nobles, while Apollo and Eros were in a room with toys and maids to keep them company.

"So your majesty, have you named the twins?

" Yes I have"

"So what's there names"

"Apollo and Eros"


"Your majesty, you do know what The name Apollo means, right"

"Of course i do, it means destroyer, don't question my discussions, especially if it evolves my sons"

"But why Apollo-"

Claude glared at him, eyes now glowing bright blue.

"What did I just say"

"Forgive me, your majesty"

Claude was about to get up when a noble made a proposal.

"If I may your majesty, I have a proposal"

"And that is? "

"Your son Apollo, he may need a bride in the near future-"

"Let's end this meeting"

"Your majesty!!! "

"You dare raise your voice at me?"

"I've made my decision, and don't question me again or I'll have to behead you, do you understand?"

"Yes your majesty"

The noble said in fear, and after the meeting, Claude went straight to the room where Apollo and Eros were in.

Claude opens the door and sees his sons playing with toys, he gets down on there level and starts playing with them, while Felix is crying with happy tears.

Claude faces Apollo, Apollo faces his father, slowly he puts his hand on his fathers face, Claude starts smiling.

He picks them both up and leaves the room walking over to his room, he enters and Lay's them both on the bed while he sits up running his hand through their hair, and says...

"I won't let anyone take you two away from me...ever..."

Sorry if its a little short, but I hope you enjoyed it and I'll make the next chapter as soon as I can.

The Ice Prince (Male Oc) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora