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A week passes after the talk with the twins and Eros is off to see Roxanne.

"Hey listen..."

"Yeah? "

"Just be careful, ok"

"I will, and I have faith Roxanne isn't using me"

"Whatever you say"

Apollo says with a chuckle.

Eros then starts making his way to Roxanne, getting there early to see what happens like his brother asked him to.

He gets off his horse and starts tiptoeing behind a tree where he can see the meeting place.

He then sits there patiently, waiting for Roxanne to appear.

He then hears a horse approaching and aims his attention at the person who riding it.

He sees Roxanne but she's not alone.

"Who the hell is that..."

He then sees Roxanne get off and the man as well gets off.

"Is he here yet? "

"No not yet, it's to early"

The man walks closer to her putting his hand on her cheek.

"What the hell..."

"What are you doing Cassie? "

"What I can't kiss my future wife? "

"I am not going to be your future wife"

She says as she pulls away.

"Well then as future king "

"What does he mean by that? "

"That doesn't mean you can kiss me"

"Come on Roxanne"


"Just one"

He says with puppy dog eyes.

"Alright fine, but then you stop and leave"


She then gets closer to him and grabs his cheeks.

She then pulls him in and kisses him.

Eros eyes get wide and he covers his mouth so that they can't hear him.

He then quietly gets down and gets on his horse without them knowing.

He then goes back to the palace while Roxanne and Cassie are still there.

"Where is he"

"What do you expect, hes a prince, he has work"


She then starts biting her nail as a habit when she's nervous.

"Why are you nervous? "

"I'm not"

"Yeah you are, are you scared that he caught us?"


"...don't tell me you caught feelings? "

"I didn't"

"The whole point is to make him kill his brother and then kill him once he takes the throne, you can't do that if you catch feelings"

"I didn't catch feelings, don't be ridiculous"

"Alright fine, I'm leaving then"

Cassie then gets on his horse and leaves Roxanne there.

"...maybe I should check on him tomorrow..."

She then truns around and starts walking back while Eros runs into Apollo office crying.

"Woah woah!, what's wrong?! "

"You were right, Roxanne just wanted to use me! "

Apollo looks at him unfazed.

He then pats Eros shoulder

"Don't worry..."

"How can I not!, and what's worse is that she has another man! "

Apollo hears this and a shocked expression appears on his face.

"What...?, who?! "

"Cassie Pedelian"

"But aren't they like enemies? "

"I'm guessing they came to an agreement that if Roxanne becomes queen, then Cassie can become king..."

"Damn animals..."

Apollo then lays Eros down on the couch.

"I thought she was the one..."

"Well then we both got our heart broken..."

"What do you mean? "

"Ines is getting married in a year..."


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