love at first sight?

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Soon the ball came around and some neighboring countries are coming to the ball.

While Claude, Apollo, and Eros wait for Athanasia to get ready they talk about who's going to he there.

"So what neighboring countries well be attending? "

"One of them is the Mandoza empire and the Agriche family"

"Wait, aren't both of those novels, the Mandoza empire is from The Broken Ring and the Agriches are from The way to protect the female leads older brother"

Soon after, Athanasia was ready.

"Shall we get going"

"Yes father"


They start making their way to the ball.

They make it there.

The Trumps start playing.

"Please welcome the Royal Family of the Obelia empire!!!"

They start walking down the red carpet.

Apollo looks around the ball room to see a girl with red eyes and blonde hair.

"That has to be Roxanne Agriche"

He then sees two boys around his age, one with dark blue hair and blue eyes, and the other one with black hair and the same red eyes as Roxanne.

"And that's probably Jeremy and Dion Agriche

Claude notices Apollo looking at someone.

" who are you looking at? "

"No one father"

"Are you sure"



"If their here then Lant has to be here"

Soon after Claude made a speech about thanking people for coming for Apollo and Eros birthday party.

Someone approached them.

"It's been awhile your majesty"

"Lant, how are you"

"I'm quite well your majesty, I see you have been busy,

He looks at Athanasia.

Claude clears his throat.

" Apollo, Eros, this is Lant Agriche"

"Pleasure to me you"

They both said.

"Apollo then sees someone that catches his eye.

" I-isnt that Ines Valeztena de Perez?, she's even more stunning then in the novel"

Apollo then starts walking towards Ines.

"Excuse me, may I ask what your name is? "

"Ines Vateztena your Highness"

"May I...have this dance lady Ines? "

The group have noble girls shocked to hear this along with Ines but she doesn't show ut.

"Of course your Highness"

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