Royal Knights

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Three years have passed and Athanasia is 9 and the Obelian Twins are 13

While athanasia is having tea with a couple of noble lady's around her age.

They start talking about boys.

They start talking about Ijekiel, Lucas, and more people.

Then Apollo and Eros walk over to athanasia.


"Yes brother"

"We're going on a mission so we won't be able to horse back riding today"

"Alright, good luck"

"Thank you"

They then leave.

"Woah...your bothers or so hot!!!"

"What...? "

"His Highness Eros is really good looking like his majesty"

"And his Highness Apollo is vary good looking as well, With his white hair and beautiful kind blue eyes"

"And his Highness Eros hair shines like gold..."

While the girls were dreaming over them, Apollo and Eros start saying bye to Claude.

"Be safe alright"

"Yes father"

"We'll come back in one piece so don't worry"


Claude then hugs them one last time.

Then Eros and Apollo get on the horses.

Apollo on the white one and Eros on the black one.

"Well probably be back tomorrow father"

"Alright, just be safe you two"

"Yes father"

And so they start riding off and exiting the gate of the palace.


A few hours later they make it to a small village outside of the empire's walls and is burnt to a crisp.

"How can somebody so cruel..."

Eros starts with.

"We're in war Eros, we have to expect this..., you"

"Yes your Highness"

"Go help the people, and look for people under the buildings as well"

"Yes your Highness"

A knight then leaves to go help the people in the village.

Apollo and Eros then get off .

"You! "

"Yes your Highness? "

"Set up camp"

"Yes your Highness"

"Ok Eros I'll head on this street and you'll go on that street, and we meet back here, alright"



They then go their separate ways to look for survivors.

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