Only One

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The Nobles go silent after hearing what Duke Alpheus said.

Claude shocked to hear this but doesn't show it.

"As you can see she has blue jeweled eyes just like your majesty and his Highness-"


Apollo says interrupting Duke Alpheus.

"I-I beg your pardon your Highness"

"We only have one sister and her name is Athanasia de algar obelia"

"I agree with Apollo"

Eros buds in.

"Well you heard them Alpheus, so you can stop making a scene"

"...yes your majesty"

Alpheus then turns around. And start walking back to the crowd.

"Damn it if they weren't there, this plan would have worked perfectly"

He say in he's mind.

"Ummm uncle Roger...? "

"Yes Jennette? "

"Does father care about me? "

"O-of course he does"

"Then why-"

"Please Jennette just let me think!!!"


Jeannette then walks around and bumps into someone.

"Oh I'm really sorry-"

"Who dears to bump into me-"

Jeremy stops.

"I'm sorry sir"

"'s alright...i guess"

"May I know your name please? "


"Nice to meet you sir Jeremy"

"Yeah yeah"

Jeannette then feels a hand on her shoulder.

She turns around to Eros towering over her.

"Hey listen... Sorry if we were a little mean, but it's true that we only have one sister, and if you try to hurt Athanasia-"

"Alright, alright, sorry about him Jeannette, what he's trying to say no one can replace Athanasia"

"Oh...I see..."

Jeannette then gives a big smile.

"Well I have to do something, so I'll see your Highness around"

Jeannette walks away.

"Maybe we were a little to harsh"

"No, she needs to know her place"


"Looks like sister Roxanne has good taste"

"Huh?, what do you mean"

"Your ruthless"

"Hey why don't you go check on Jennette? "

"Why me?, your the ones who said those things"

"We have something to do something"



"Yes sister"

"Listen to his Highness"

"Alright fine, your lucky sister is on your side"

As Jeremy goes after Jeannette, Apollo chuckles.

Eros then brags Apollo by his sleeve.

"H-Hey, what's wrong"


"Hey isn't that..."


Eros looks behind him to see Ijekiel dance with Athanasia

Their eyes start glowing.

They then walk over to them.

"Athanasia, we need to talk"

"Huh?, what's wrong"

"Just come here please"

"Alright, it was nice dancing with you sir Ijekiel"

"It was a pleasure your Highness"

While Athanasia was walking away, Eros and Apollo glare at Ijekiel making him sweat bullets.

"What we're you doing with him"

"Dancing what else"

They pout.

Claude then comes up to them.

Claude then pats Apollo and Eros on the head.

"Good job for getting in between them, and if you didn't I would have done it myself"

"Of course father"

They smile.

"I'm surrounded by protective psychos"

Athanasia said in her head.

Athanasia yawns.

"Are you tired? "

"Yes father"

Claude picks up athanasia and they start walking to the exit with Apollo and Eros.

But before they leave, they hear a voice call from behind.

"Wait your majesty!!! "

They look behind to see Jeannette running towards them.


"I found this"

Jeannette then shows a handkerchief.

"I was wondering if one of your dropped it? "

"No it's not ours"

Claude response before leaving.

"Ahhh...sorry your majesty"

Apollo then walks over to Jeannette.

"It might be hers, so I'll check once she wakes"

"Thank you, your Highness"

Apollo leaves with his father and brother.

Once they get in the carriage Claude ask why he talked to Jeannette.

"You never know father, it might be athanasias"

Claude sighs.

Athanasia then wakes up between her brothers.

"Your awake"


"Hey...did you hear what Duke Alpheus said"


"Well we just want you to know that your our only baby sister"

Athanasia then blushs from embarrassment.

Claude smiles

"What did I do to deserve you guys"

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