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Season 1 episode 2


Chapter 3

I want to live before
I die, it's the only thing that
Makes sense.

"Let's start off simple shall we love?" Klaus tilted his head to the side, bourbon in hand, his eagle like eyes never leaving me.

I shifted uncomfortably in the soft coach. Last night after the hybrid had antagonized his sister with the whereabouts of his brother, he had left, leaving me to my boredom, I had retreated to my room.

My room...

Those 2 words left me feeling sick, I mentally shuddered at the thought, anyways..... After retreating to the room I had been provided with, I had fallen asleep.

The next morning, I was awoken by the constant yelling down stairs, and imagine my surprised when I had left the room to snoop, only to find out it was Rebekah arguing with her brother.

Note the sarcasm!

I narrowed my eyes at the hybrid who sat comfortably across me nursing his cup of alcohol, I shrugged carelessly sitting up.

"Question away." I murmured bitterly, but nonetheless he caught on, a cheeky smile overtook klaus's face.

Why the hell was he so jolly?

" You're a witch. " The hybrid stated downing the contents of the cup before placing it on the glass table that residing in the middle of the room and also separated us.

I nodded my head nervously playing around with the rings on my finger. "I am".

Klaus nodded leaning back into the coach. "So tell me love, why would a witch be held captive by her own people?" The hybrid questioned his once playful exterior had disappeared.

I hummed leaning back into the coach myself, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me nervous.

"When Marcel took over New Orleans he placed the witches on lock down, banned them from practicing magic." I nodded recalling the night of the harvest, I wasn't going to tell him the entire truth, just bits and pieces.

"I sympathized with the vampires, I didn't want to live in a city where there was constant fighting and war." I crossed my arms over my chest, Klaus leaned forward clearly intrigued by my story.

"So I abandoned my coven, I was a single child, my parents passed away when I was 15, I had no reason to stay here." I lied glancing up to meet the hybrid's cold blue eyes.

He studied my face for a couple seconds seemingly content, like he had believed my fake story until a loud chuckle left his lips.

The hybrid threw his head back laughing, like really laughing, I tensed as I stared at him, what the hell was so funny?

"You know sweetheart..." Klaus stood up grabbing his glass from the table. " I almost believe that sob story of yours ", the hybrid sauntered over to the bottle of bourbon pouring him self another glass.

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