Chapter 10

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I wake up with a smile on my face, I have slept the best yet. The happiness I felt last night, the care freeness that I have never had. I grab my phone and see that I have a text. My heart rate skyrockets till I see who I got the text from.

"Good morning beautiful, I hope you have had a good sleep. Sorry I am texting you so early." -Bryson.

I smile even bigger and my heart rates goes down a little from the scare. I look at the time he sent me that. Wow, he has been my up for a while is my first thought.

"Good morning, it was good, thank you. How was yours?" I ask and set my phone down, and go to my closet.

Since I don't work today, I decide to put some shorts on and a crop top. The weather looks like it will be pretty hot today. After getting dressed, I go make my self some breakfast and a coffee to go. I want to see the library and see what books I can get. The excitement of getting some books to read and going to the part for a little bit has me smiling even bigger. I don't remember the last time I went and just sat down to relax and read without the worry of needing to get home to clean and get dinner ready before he got home.

I leave quickly after eating, I lock the door and make sure to grab my headphones. I walk down the sidewalk, way more excited than anyone else might be to go to a library. A few minutes later, I walk through the door and the cool air hits my face. The smell of books can never get old. I remember when I used to sit in the school library in a corner where no one can find me, reading a new book and not wanting to go to my next class.

I go through the ails and start looking through the books that I want to get. I get as many as I can carry and pay for those. Once I'm done, I head back home to drop them off and eat some lunch. Before I go to the park and read for the afternoon. I know I need to get my place cleaned but I need to read some first. I don't know if you know what I am talking about, but there is a time to clean and a time to read. Today is the day that I need to read, I just need to relax and read something good.

Walking back, I start reading the first book, of course not paying any attention where I am going. Once I make it back without tripping or running into anyone, I set all my books down near my bed, and head to the kitchen for a quick lunch. Which does remind me that I need to go shopping for some food, I don't want to have to go tomorrow. The store is out a way from the park, I shrug my shoulders and decide to make a quick list as I am eating.

The list doesn't end up being too big, I put that in my little purse, fill a bottle full of water and head out the door and to the park. I plug my headphones in and listen to some music, I pull my book out as well and decide to start reading. My phone dings, but I decide to read the text later, I want to finish this chapter before I answer whoever texted me. Getting to the park, I close my book and decide to look for a big tree to sit behind, so no one can bother me and I can get some reading done. I smile as I spot a big oak tree. One of the prettiest trees, as well as my favorite type of tree. I quickly walk over to it and get comfy, I open the text message.

"Sorry for the delay, my sleep was good. I had to be up early for some work meetings. How has your day been so far?" -Bryson

"Good so far, I went to the library, got some books, made a grocery list and now just reading. How was your meeting? Did it go well?" I smile as I read the text. He really is handsome.

I open my book and start reading it. The time went by quick, before I know it I need to go and get my grocery shopping done. I sigh and get up, after swiping my pants to make sure that there wasn't any grass, I head for the grocery store. I look down to see that Bryson texted me back 2 hours ago.

"It went good, I got the deal and now I am heading into another meeting, how is your book?" -Bryson

"How many meetings do you have a day? I can't imagine being in meetings all day and sitting at a desk. You sound like you are good at your job. Good, I stopped reading since I need to go grocery shopping. Sorry, I am a bad texter. I blush after sending that text.

I get to the grocery store and quickly start shopping, I don't want to be out for too long. The anxiety of running into anyone that might know me from the past starts to catch up. I have been spending a lot of time outside and around the little town. I decide to only stay another couple of months before moving again. I don't want to get caught, I want to be ahead of him as much as possible. I shiver at the thought of him catching up to me. My dad is smart, he won't let me go. He knows I know too much and he knows he can't let me go. I bet it scares him that I am out here, and he isn't smart enough to know that I won't talk. I am too scared and too anxious to see what can happen.

I finish shopping and start heading home, as I'm walking, a black audi pulls up next to me. I start walking a little quicker, not knowing who it could be. They pull over and Bryson steps out.

I turn around, "You can't drive slow next to a girl. You scared me." I smile up at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He rubs his neck sheepishly. " I just saw you walking and wanted to see if you wanted a ride."

I bite the inside of my cheek, "Sure, if you don't mind." I smile. He shakes his head and opens the passenger side door.

"Thank you." I say. He nods again, and walks around the car to get into the passenger seat. "How was work?" I ask as we start driving towards my place.

"It was long but good, lots of meeting and deals going through. How was your day?" He asks and looks over at me before looking back at the road.

"It was good, I got carried away reading, I forget that there are things I need to get done." I smile and look down at my hands, my hair covers my blush.

"Well, it must be a good book if you get that into it. What are you reading?" I look up in surprise at him, I have never had someone interested in what I am reading or really in what I am doing.

"It's about this girl who turns into a vampire and her parents kick her out. It's really good you just have to read it." I smile.

"Sounds like a pretty good read." He says with a smile. We pull up at my apartment.

"Do you want to come up, I was going to make some zuppa toscana, you are welcome to stay." He smiles and nods his head.

"Stay, I want to open the door for you." He winks at me and gets out of the car, he heads over to my side and opens the door, "Let me help you with some bags." I nod my head and blush. I grab my book and one of the bags, he grabs the other two, and we head up to the apartment.

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