Chapter 9

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After saying those words I was out.

There was a deafening silence after Chrisanna's black out. "Illyusha am I hearing things or did I just listen to my sister say she had been abused" came the angry voice of Nicolai.

After a few moments of silence Ilya finally opened his mouth " Then we both must be hearing things because I heard the exact same thing brother" he said his voice icy as he picked up Chrisanna bridal style.

He made his way out of the class Nikolai following him from behind. Luckily the halls were empty so they were able to leave with no disruptions.

Her teacher had already made his way to the office to inform the head master. They had arrived outside by now and were heading to the car. The door was already opened as Ilya first put Chrisanna in before entering and laying her head on his lap.

After Nikolai entered the car immediately started moving.

What had their sister gone through when she was taken away, if it wasn't for Gunther's men they would have found her much faster but like any other of their enemies they were dealt with.

"Young master we have arrived" the chauffeur said as Nikolai made his way of the car, Ilya following after him. Ilya carring her took her to the ward inside the manor.

"Have you already called Lova?" asked Ilya.

"He's already there waiting for her" was Nikolai's reply to Ilya's question.

"And Lenya happens to be with him, Sasha is making his way to the jet as we speak and may be here in 3 to 4 hours" Nikolai added on.

"Hopefully by then Chris is awake" replied Ilya as he entered the ward.

Lysander was tapping his foot in anxiousness and worry. As soon as he saw Ilya and Nikolai enter he immediately rushed to where they were standing and could only watch helplessly as they lay an unconscious Chrisanna down.

Lysander immediately began checking on Chrisanna he only spoke after he confirmed that she was fine, "We should call one of the maid servants to change her clothing I'm sure she would not be comfortable sleeping with her school uniform."

"So what really happened Illyusha?" Leonid who had just arrived asked as he made his way to the sofa next to Chrisanna.

Throwing himself on a different sofa raking hs fingers through his hair Ilya told Lysander and Leonid what had happened and in the middle of his story Nikolai left in anger.

Balling his fists in anger "Is that all" stated Leonid and as soon as he got a faint nod from Ilya who had his hand on his face with his reply Leonid left following Nikolai.

Lysander hadn't moved since the moment he had that his little sister had been abused and he wasn't there to protect her.

"Did she say anything else?" Lysander asked still looking at the ground. Ilya raised his eyebrow in question. Although Lysander wasn't looking at him he could still tell that his brother didn't understand what he meant.

"Does she have any s-scars?" Ilya immediately froze.

Knock knock knock.

"Enter" came Lysander's voice.

"Greetings Master Lysander and young master Ilya" the voice of a woman said and as the both looked at her at the same time they noticed her holding a patient gown folded across her the right hand.

ChrisannaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz