Chapter 28

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"I'm so glad you're okay Christy!" Steph said immediately as she threw herself into my arms. With the rest of the girls joining in.

"We thought we'd never see you again" Amder said with tears falling from her face.

"Rose almost started a war for you" Bekah said as if she was having flash backs.

"You almost started a war for me?" I looked at Rose prepared to cry.

She fixed her glasses before answering "Yes,  I already have 125 soldiers on call" she told me solomly.

I nearly cried "Oh Rosy" I said as I threw myself into her arms only to wince just as quickly.

Rose frowned as she set me back on my bed and checked over me making sure that I was fine.

After I had somewhat recovered as in I could finally use my legs again Alek said I could invite my friends since the rest of my brothers were making me feel lonely. Not him though.

So here they were.

They immediately updated me on what I missed and they all gave me notes on what I needed to catch up on with Steph having the most organised notes. It was to  be expected she was the future president after all.

They also updated me on all the school drama. In a matter of two hours I had learnt the entire lives of people I don't ever remembering meeting thanks to Amber.

Andrew brought us a few snacks to eat while we remind in my room. According to Amber although my brothers  were hot they were still scary.

"Oh the Fredrick family has also announced backrupcy" Rose added.

Amber waved her away "Eww Christy doesn't want to learn about old people. Anywho there was a news breakout about this  powerful people. Their secrets however where not so clean."

Bekah hummed as she ate a chip dipping hot sauce "It's was big news for weeks."

"Was, Bekah it still is" Amber added with Rosa nodding in agreement.

"My father was about to do business with them but fortunately he listened to our mother and didn't" Rosa as she stood up making her way to my bathroom as if she didn't drop a mini bomb.

We waited for her to come back before going on with out topic and moving to other ones.

"So how's your brand been going?" I asked Rosa in interest.

"It's doing better then I expected honestly but I still need to improve."

"As long as you don't over work yourself knock yourself out."

The girls remaind for a few more hours this time we were served real food before they left.


I looked at my phone it was a message from  Kuaile de sending me more sailing pdf files. As soon as I texted her back and told her not to worry or feel bad she took it as me letting her send me sailing pdf files.

I had never been tempted to block someone well there was Leo but that's besides the point.


For a week I relaxed at home while returning back to my homeschool lessons.

I went down stairs for a meal since I hadn't eaten in a minute.

Only to find Lysander there.

"How're your classes?"

"Not bad as long as I get it over and done with" I replied.

"You also have to prepare for your introduction into the family" Sanny said leaving me speachless,. seeing her face he was tempted to laugh but held himself.

I almost forgot of that.

"My coming of age ceremony."

I hope you loved it

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