Chapter 32

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"Where am I?" I looked around the cell I was in. I wasn't the only one inside.

There were other girls older or younger than me.

"How did I get here?" I said aloud but nobody seemed to answer the question. One thing I was sure about was that this was  a trafficking room.

Heavy steps began making their way to me that caused shivers to run down my spine. I unconsciously began backing away but my back hit the cell leaving me with no room to run too.

The man revealed himself from under the shadows and I began breathing heavily. It was Austin and Damon. The only difference was that they were alive and Austin looked as good as new.

"This-this c-can't be real. That's right it's all a dream I'll wake up from" I muttered not noticing by breathing becoming rapid every passing second.

"This isn't a dream pretty girl" Austin said his voice making my skin crawl as my hands tightened around my arms digging deeper into my skin.

"P-please lea-leave me alone" I begged in a quiet voice.

They ignored me as they moved to open the cell. Was I just going to let them harm me...even in my own dreams.

I was a dragon slayer and I was going to take one of them down with me.

As soon as Austin  got closer to me I moved my hands immediately to his neck and tightened it net letting go while Damon tried to pull be off of him by gripping my hands but I refused to budge.

Damon smashed my head on the ground and yet I never let go of his neck my grip on him tightened as my nails day deeper and deeper into him.

From afar I could hear a faint voice calling for me but I chose to ignore it until it became louder and even more familiar.

"Niko?" I blinked and suddenly I was in my room again and began breathing as if if just been saved from drowning and before long I began vomiting last night's dinner.

Someone patted my back while the other person pulled my hair away so it didn't get messy and the other hand steady me keeping me from falling into my own voimt.

When I turned around for a few seconds I realised that it was Illya holding my hair and Leo who steaded me. Niko was watching worryingly with scratch marks on his arms.

Alek wasn't here since he'd gone on a business meeting.

By now I was already vomiting while crying.

After I had stopped vomiting Niko ran and came back with a few pills and a bottle of water after Sanny told him too. He also came back with a bucket of water and a mop.

Leo carried me to the bathroom and waited for me to clean my mouth before carrying me back to my bed. I let him do it since I barely had any energy.The mess had already been cleaned.

"Here take this pills they should help" I nodded at Sanny before taking two pills and drank the watet to help bring it down.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"Now that, that's out of the way printsessa what the hell was that" Niko asked angryily.

I looked away from him before sending a quiet glance at his arms which he quickly covered.

"Di-did I do that?" I whispered while laying my head one the pillow as I looked at the scars running on his arms and my nails blooded up and with his skin on her.

"Was it a nightmare?" Illya asked his voice detached.

I snorted dryly and received a playful glare from Sanny in return.

"More like a recurring nightmare" I murmured as my hand moved to my neck which Illya was swift to remove my hand from.

But it was too late. I had already realised that I had been strangling myself. Was I going cry.

Two days ago I just had the best sleep over ever and now this. They'll probably think I'm sucidal.

"I think it's time you learnt how to fight" Niko finally said after a long silence with Illya nodding along with his idea.

He continued "So if it happens again you'll be able to defend yourself and you won't feel vulnerable."

So they already knew who my dream was about. I was probably screaming their names out loud like some psychopath.

"And so you know Chrissy that was pretty badass how you scratched Niko with your claws and refused to let him go" Leo said with a smirk.

Niko glared at him "Yeah yeah make fun of me all you want but I still get more b-ladies then you're nothing virgin arse."

They continued on bickering like that back to back and I watched it happen I couldn't help but giggle.

"She's going bonkers isn't she" Illya said as he moved away from me as if I was a ticking boob just because of my giggles.

Sanny rolled his eyes at his antics "How are you feeling?"

"Better" I whispered gently.

"We can't hear you" Illya deadpinned as he shook his head. He received a pinch of Sanny.

I giggled again I was happy to have them as my brothers.

I hope u enjoy 🙂

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