Chapter 29

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I fell again.

Dancing had been added to my schedule after my shoulder fully recovered and at first I was excited but no one told me I had two left feet.

"Maybe we should take a break" my dance teacher said in a thick French accent. She was an old woman that looked to be in her fifties.

An accent that reminded me of someone...

Although she was sweet I could see her growing frustrations.

"This is better than last week's practice " Bekah told me this time her tiger glasses making an appearance once more.

Apparently she had been wearing eye contacts before now.

I groaned "Don't try to m-make me feel better Bekah I already know I'm hopeless."

She flinched at that because she's been trying to help me practice. Apparently Leticia the dance teacher was her teacher when she was younger and when she heard that she would be teaching me Bekah offered to practice with me.

But something had told me that she agreed for a different reason. Normally I would mind my own business but I couldn't help it and gave Amber a few hints and she did her thing.

"So you grandmother still trying to set you up with Matteo?" I asked.

She sighed "Yep, I've told her countless times that I don't want anything to do with him."

"Him too...?"

She gave me a look "Who cares about what he thinks."

"Differently not me" I replied. I think my question came out wrong.

I've been spending too much time texting Amber.

Bekah laughed a little"My life has been planned how it would go and marriage is the only thing I want to have control on."

"You want to-to fall in love...?"

"Maybe...if it's even possible in the world we live in. The least I could ask for is someone who truly respects me and I mean truly"

I nodded in understanding "And Matteo doesn't respect y-you."

She stopped for a second "...He has his moments."

"W-What's that supposed to mean?" I tilted my head curiously.

She sighed deeply "He listens to everything I say and takes it seriously well except the part of me not wanting to get married to him. He respects my boundaries but when I'm surrounded by some of my male friends he goes all territorial and annoyed as if I belong to him and I don't..."

I stared at her blankly.

"What?" she asked.


"Christy tell me" she demanded as I swallowed.

"What I'm g-getting from this is that he likes you and is jealous that you interact with the opposite sex when you ignore him that could be why he's annoyed... although I don't agree with the territorial thing..."

She kept quiet for a while and so I continued.

"It's also possible that he was forced in this situation but unlike you who doesn't like it he  may like it" I finished as I sent a glance at Bekah who was currently thinking and working things through her head.

It's also possible that he was the one who asked for this arrangement, but I wasn't about to tell her least not yet.

"Let's just stop talking about  him" she said after a long silence.

I nodded in agreement and understanding.

"Do your brothers ever plan on arranging an engament for you?"

I froze...did they.

"I-I'm not sure I hope not..." I was far too young to think about being in a relationship especially this early in my new life.

Just the thought of spending time with the boy that could be my future husband made me want to be a runaway bride...unless he was cute but that was besides the point.

"Hello earth to Christy" I returned my attention back to her.

"Huh" I said stupidly.

"I'm sorry if I made you worried."

"No it's okay I'll get over it..."


That was a lie.

I was definitely not over it.

And my brother's could tell. I was glad Alek wasn't here because one look would have me talking although it wasn't that big of a secret what if he told me I did have a fiance.

And that it was an old man!!!! I would die, not literally.

Calm down Chris calm down.

"Are you hiding something from us Chrissy" Leo eyed me suspiciously with Niko standing behind him giving me what looked like stink eye to confess all my sins.

Sanny was in the hospital so he couldn't back me up and tell them to back off. Illya was alsleep-

"Weirdo" Illya muttered as soon as he entered the living room.

I gaped at him.

He gave speak of the devil and he shall appear a new meaning.

"I'm not a weirdo!?" Niko defended as he threw his shoe at Illya who side stepped it.

"Sure you aren't" he said as he drank the bottle of water he came with throwing himself on the couch in the process.

"What's up with you?" Illya asked after turning to me.

"See even he can see it!" Leo exclaimed excited.

"Nothing" I said too quickly.

Illya narrowed his eyes at me and I turned my eyes away from him. He was similar to Alek in the aspect that he could tell what was wrong by just looking at my eyes.

"I'll talk to Alek about allowing your friends over for a sleepover" Illya muttered.

"Am I engaged!???" I said far too quickly.

I'd been asking to go for a sleepover but they kept on saying no but since they are allowing my friends to come over I'm taking any chance I can get.

A win is a win.

Meanwhile all my brother's looked at me blankly.

Niko was the first to regain his focus after sighing"You do."

Leo nodded in agreement as I looked at both of them in horror.

"I thought at the very least Sander would have told you" Illya told me.

"H-How old is he?"  I asked shakingly.

Niko closed his eyes be swallowing "He's currently twenty five."

I shrieked "Twenty five! that's a decade older!"

Illya and Leo looked away as if ashamed as Niko gave me a look of pity.

Great I'm getting married off to some old guy. I need to talk to Sanny and Alek maybe I'll convince them to change their minds.

What do you think ♥️🤭✨

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