Chapter 24

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"Since I'd arrived here you never bothered to ask me how you cousins are doing" Damon's said in a mocking tone as he watched me.

As a favour from giving Austin his contacts he asked for some alone time with me and honestly speaking although I hated and feared  both of them I would much rather deal with the someone with no manhood then one with one especially if said person sold off people for a living.

"They aren't my cousins" I said.

Lifting his eyebrow his eyes looked at me in interest for what reason I don't know and didn't want to know.

"Well since you asked I'll amuse you." 

'I didn't ask' I thought inwardly.

"Rosie is doing a degree in Accounting fortunately her scholarship allowed her to go to Harvard without needing to pay for anything. Last I heard of her was that she was dating some second generation.

Skylar didn't have to continue going to private school and didn't need to attend public school as well because my brother pulled some strings before he died and managed to get her into a dance academy last I've heard of her she's having a performance in New York.

Finally Paris honestly thought that she'd become the black sheep but I was wrong although we all know she hates tennis she made it into the semi finals in her private school tournament she didn't have to leave. Seeing her talent for it and her beauty she got a few sponsors and is now making her way into the modelling world just like her gorgeous mother." he finally finished and his finally his words sent shivers down my spine.

Paris was 16 and by the way he spoke about her it felt like he was sexualizing her.

"Why are you telling me this?" I unconsciously asked.

"Why..." he said before his hand was gripping my butt, I pushed away from him instinctively. I felt disgusted as if he left a burning stain on me.

"Don't-ever-touch-me-again" I all but gritted out. I would die before I allowed him to touch me again like that. Let me rephrase that I would kill him if given the opportunity. I thought as I breathed in heavily.

"Don't be scared little Chrisanna, Austin's buyers wouldn't want damaged goods" he stood up as he made his way out of the room and as soon as he was out I could finally breathe.

At least I tried to.


"Sasha" Ilya said as he armed himself with as much weaponry as he could find.

"I can't be there yet. While you save Ann I'll deal with a certain Italian and his minions" Aleksandr told Ilya coldly.

Ilya nodded before moving to hang up but stopped when he saw Alek move his lips "And make sure that you punish every single one of them."

The call was turned off and Ilya remained quiet for a while before leaving his room. Nikola, Leonid and Lysander met him on his way out.

Eron nodded at them before following them in a car. Most of the soldiers where from uncle Lev and they appeared as though they were an army forcing them to separate to not draw in any attention.

The car was silent with no words not even the occasional arguing from both Nikola and Leonid was heard. It wasn't surprising since the light of their lives was just stolen from them.

It was bad enough that they lost her when she was young but to lose her again. Those men would have hell to pay.

And unfortunately they couldn't torture them them yet because their main focus for the mission was to get Chrisanna out and make sure that she's fine. Then they could raise as much chaos as they wanted.

"Young master we've arrived" Eron said as he stopped the car near an abondoned factory.

The brothers nodded at each other before they would commence their rescue mission.


Aleksandr set at the landing sight of airplanes as he drank a cup of tea while reading a newspaper.

His assistant waiting diligently behind him for orders. With Armen pouring him more tea.

A private plane arrived and a chubby man got out surrounded by guards on either side.
He had an arrogant look as he approached Aleksandr who only had two people accompanying him.

" Come sono caduti i potenti-" the man didn't finish his sentence because as soon as his feet touched the ground all his men fell down.

(How the mighty have fall-)

Aleksandr didn't stand up or look up from his newspaper as he continued on reading it while he drank his tea. Completely ignoring his existence.

The chubby man soon noticed the men on top off the airport building holding guns. Two other men came down as they dragged the chubby man on his feet near Aleksandr.

They kicked him to his knees as the rest of Alex's men entered the plane and dragged four other men from the plane outside.

When they all bowed down on their head and feet Aleksandr finally looked at them

"I guess Frederick wasn't lying" Aleksandr said his voice cold.

The men were shaking as they remained quiet.

Aleksandr was really hoping on dealing with Frederick but he was a man of his word and wouldn't touch his family but his business was another thing.

Frederick had given them information on all the places Austin could have been in exchange he wouldn't harm his family.

Figuring out his  accomplices was easier.

Aleksandr took the gun Armen handed him and killed the other four. He had already ruined their family names but letting them live was something he would never let happen.

They had taken his sister after all and they didn't even apologize for it.

"Alberto Conti former business associate of my father. He kicked you out after he caught you trying to sell away his business secrets."

The chubby man Alberto flinched, he was covered with the blood of the four that died.

"My father was merciful enough to allow you to live. Unfortunately the same thing can't be said about me" Aleksandr said as he stared into the eyes of the man who harmed his family.

Alberto's shaking increased the more he looked into his eyes and he began thrashing and pulling trying to escape but it was already too late.

Unlike his business associates who are given an early death his would be long and torturous.

Alek nodded at one of his men and immediately they knocked him out.

A phone rang and his assistant Prim handed it to him "It's master Lev" he said as he handed him the phone.

"I found the men that bid on Chrisanna" Aleksandr's eyes darkened.

"Bring them all to me alive."

Atleast now Alberto wouldn't be lonely.

Aleksandr made his way to his car not even looking at Prim.

"Lev will send you everything he has on those men who dared to bid on my sister. You know what to do"

Prim didn't need to hear anything else for him to understand that while his master would ruin their physical and mental health his job was to tarnish their family names.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll update one chapter per day ♥️

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