Chapter 30

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I spent the day awake and didn't even bother going to sleep. I was going to have a conversation with Alek today or be followed by my anixety forever.

I sat in the dark living room sitting next to a turned off lamp. My fear of the dark had temporarily left me for the moment.

The door opened and I heard footsteps. I immediately turned on the lamp and Alek stopped mid way to his office as he watched me his hand still holding his phone.

He liked between me and the lamp. For a while we both remained silent and didn't say anything.

Finally I broke.

"We need to talk Aleksandr" Alek lifted an eyebrow at the use of his full name.

He sighed before muttering a quiet 'clearly' while putting away his phone and sitting on the couch in front of him.

He took off his coat jacket and undid his tie.

"I'm all ears" he said as he looked at me.

"Elder brother is it true that I am no less than a cattle led to a slaughter" I stood up pacing around my couch as I looked at him.

Alek gave me a look of amusement as he moved to hold his chin "Whatever do you mean younger sister" he responded.

I sighed. He clearly thinks that this is a joke.

"Am I to be wed to another. Especially a man old enough to be my brother" I looked at him the feeling of betrayal coming in the form of tears.

Alek frowned "Engaged?"

"I see then how long do I have until I meet this old man."

His eyes narrowed as he approached me "Ann who told you, you were engaged?"

"Oh so I was never supposed to know" I let out a teary laugh.

"Chrisanna" he said in a voice that left nothing for refusal or debate. His voice was still calm yet deadly.

This was one of those times when I remembered just how scary Alek was.

"Niko, Leo and Illya. They told me I was engaged to a twenty five year old man."

Alek nodded "I see then" the way he said that made me light a candle for my three brothers.

"That still doesn't tell me who I'm engaged too."

"You aren't engaged and you never will be Chrisanna" he responded to my question and a sigh of relief left my lips.

"Oh thank god!" I said nearly collapsing on the ground but Alek kept me in place.

Alek tilted his head as he picked me up bridal style taking me to what I presumed was my room.

"W-What?" I asked softly.

"Normally girls would rebel at the idea that their brothers don't want them to get married."

I shrugged my shoulders "Maybe I will in the f-future who knows. But what I'm sure of is that right now being in a romantic relationship is the last I want to do."

Alek hummed and surprisingly it vibrated throughout his chest almost making me giggle because it was shockingly funny.

"Let's hope it remains like that radi nego" he told me softly, but for some reason the russian sentence he said felt more like a threat.

(For his sake)

As soon as he entered my room he tucked me in my bed before giving me a forehead kiss.

"Good night Alek" I said as sleep began calling for me.

"Spokoynoy nochi" he said gently and I immediately knew that, that meant good night.

I held his hand quickly as soon as I remembered something.

"What is it?" he asked confused.

"Illya said I could invite my friends over for a sleepover."

"He did now."

I nodded not realising the trouble I was getting Illya into.

"I'll see what I can do. For now just go back to sleep."

I dosed off to the patting of my head.


The next day I woke up feeling refreshed more then I did on normal days since I would only be able to only sleep for three hours before waking up paranoid.

I left my room after taking a quick shower and made my way to the dining area but there was no one there, I want to the kitchen and the living room still know one.

I even returned back upstairs and went into their rooms and I still didn't find them.

Now this was a shocker since they're always home unless they're at school and last I checked it was a Saturday.

Kimberly saw me lurking around before telling me my brother's where in the back yard. I immediately thanked her and ran there.

There was a lower deck balcony with a dinning table and its own outdoor kitchen matched with a large waterfall pool that was currently covered up.

But that wasn't what was important. It was my brother's mowing the lawn.

Niko was the first to see me before muttering "Stukach" which I heard.

"I'm not a snitch?!" I replied.

Niko looked proud before huffing away from me.

"You told Alek about your engagement" Leo said "that's why he's calling you a snitch."

"I wasn't the one who told him to lie to my face" I said as I looked around "I guess this is your punishment for lying."

"Partly" Illya said.

"Alek woke each of us up as soon as you fell asleep and had us running laps until five am in the morning. Not even letting us rest he gave all the employees a break and made us take over their jobs for the day. We washed every single car. Cleaned every other room even though it was cleaned-

"And according to him it wasn't. Not all of us have eyes that could see germs from a mile away-" Niko complained after cutting Leo off.

"Now we're mowing the lawn and next he told us to clean the other houses in the land kak zhestoko" Leo finished.

(How evil)

"You forgot put us on lock down" Niko said.

"Lock down what about my afternoon naps?" Illya complained as if they were the most important. Then again maybe to him they were.

This explained why there was barely anyone in the house. Feeling bad for them I made my way to the kitchen and made them some orange juice using the blander.

Although I knew they couldn't slack away from work since Alek was keeping an eye on them how I didn't know. Alek just knew everything.

And they didn't seem to complain about the work but the activities they would be missing out on.

I even caught Illya rebuilding a bird house with little to no complaint well maybe about missing his nap but other then that there was nothing.

He even made it look better then it was before. Maybe this was the real reason Alek had them working they tended to be more efficient than the workers paid to do it.

Tell me what you think of the chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it ♥️

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