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The car ride home was silent.  Neither (Y/n) nor his mother spoke.

Once they got to their house, (Y/n)'s mother sighed before turning the car off. "What happened?" (Y/n) nervously looked everywhere but at his mom. He noticed every little detail of the car. "You're suspended for three days," his mother spoke up. "I'm sorry."

"I know it wasn't your fault, but please tell me what exactly happened".

With a final sigh, (Y/n) spoke up. He didn't mention the photograph of Michael's mom, but rather said the bullies were just saying mean things to Michael which resulted in the fight. (Y/n) also failed to mention the things Wesley told him. He felt embarrassed to bring it up, especially when he didn't know what half the things he told him meant.

"And what about that Michael boy? He was the blonde kid sitting with you, right?"

(Y/n) nodded, "I promise he wasn't being mean. It was Wesley who started bothering him". "Well honey," (Y/n)'s mom grabbed her sons hands, "I know you were defending him, but please just be careful, okay?" "Okay mom". With one final smile, they both got out the car.


Michael patiently waited as his mom spoke to the principal. He tapped his feet against the floor, humming a tune to himself before officially declaring he was bored. He stepped up from the chair, slightly opening the door from the principals office. A slight creak made both adults turn towards his direction. "Mom I'm going home," he announced. Michael's mom sighed, "okay honey. Just be careful". "Can I have my bag back?" He asked. "I'll give it to you when I get home, okay?" With a final nod he closed the door behind him. His mother was afraid to bring up the fact that the principal requested a child psychologist to help the blonde boy. She knew her son having a dead cat in his book-bag, photos of dead animals, as well as a condom, wasn't normal, especially since Dr. Loomis said this should be taken as a "early warning sign". She just didn't know how Michael would react.

Michael made his way towards his locker, making sure to kick Wesley's on his way. He grabbed his white clown mask (which has red and blue details) and exited the school as the final bell rang for the day.

He watched as several kids gathered in this friend groups, socializing with each other and made plans for Halloween, which was exactly a week from now. He ignored them before finding Wesley with his friends. He noticed the kid grabbed a shorter kids hat before commenting on how ugly it was and spiting on it. He threw it onto the floor and laughed, before waving his friends goodbye.

Michael stalked behind him, making sure nobody else was around. About halfway into the woods Wesley took as a shortcut, Michael kicked the boy onto the ground. "What the fuck?" Wesley spat, rubbing his head before making eye contact with Michael. "Are you still mad that I hit your boyfriend?" He groaned, attempting to get up before Michael kicked him down again. "Fuck you," Michael said before picking up a huge tree branch from the floor. Before Wesley could curse at him, Michael hit him right on the head with the tree branch, causing Wesley to fall onto the dirty mud. Michael repeated his actions, only this time, made sure to snap his legs so he'll be unable to move.

"Please!" Wesley cried, blood now streaming down his mouth. Michael only stared, before putting on his clown mask. He held onto the branch tightly, only to yell as he repeatedly hit and stabbed the tree branch into his eye. "P-please! I'm sorry!" Wesley sobbed his last words before his body went numb.


The next day, (Y/n) didn't have to wake up early. Even though the situation with Wesley wasn't his fault, he was still getting punished. He promised his mom he'll wash dishes every night.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock, it was 10 a.m. He got up and finished his morning routine before noticing a note on the fridge.

"I'll be back from work at 7 tonight. There's some breakfast and left overs in the fridge. Be safe!" (Y/n) heated his food on the microwave before turning on the TV. The sound of the microwave ding turned his attention back towards his food. He carefully took it out, making sure not to burn his fingertips. Gently, he placed it on the table before facing the TV again.
He hummed to himself before carefully grabbing a spoonful of his Mac n cheese. He softly blew on it, making sure it wasn't going to be hot to the point where he'll burn his tongue.

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