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The main police man calmly fixed his posture, "This is officer Bailey, is (Y/n) (L/n) here?" "Yep. You're talking to him right now". (Y/n) noticed one of the officers had a notepad in which he started writing things down. The other officer was peeking past (Y/n), clearing looking into his house. "We have a report of suspicious activity in the neighborhood involving a police run away, Michael Myers". This was (Y/n)'s cue to look confused. "What do you mean?" He slightly tilted his head to the side, giving him an innocent look. Growing up (Y/n) was a bad liar. His mom could always tell when he wasn't saying the truth. Growing up, he realized how easily someone could read him based on actions and appearance. He started keeping himself collected when confronted, therefore it was easy for (Y/n) to get his way.

These cops were fairly young too. The main cop looked to be around his late 20's. The one taking notes looked 25, while the other officer looked to be in his early 30s. "Someone in this neighborhood reported an incident about a masked man, one who has a similar mask to the one Michael is known for, to be wandering around this area." (Y/n) forced a shocked face, "you mean it's unsafe for me to be home?" The cop nodded, "don't worry. I can assure you police enforcement will be patrolling the area at night". (Y/n) let a sigh of relief, "oh thank god. I was starting to get worried". "Do you mind if we search your house? We're investigating the neighborhood". "I-well ideally..no. I just got home right now after a few nights out and it's a bit messy," (Y/n) protested. "I completely understand sir, but we do have a warrant," the officer said. (Y/n) nodded, "in that case, then go ahead". Officer Bailey looked at the other officers and nodded. (Y/n) opened the door and moved out the way, allowing them to investigate the house. There was a moment of silence as the officers started investigating each room. Soon, they walked into (Y/n)'s room. One of the officers looked into the bathroom, examining every detail. The other one moved a few things around, noticing the clothes out on the bed. "Where ya headed to?" He asked. "I'm going on a trip with my mom in a few days," (Y/n) said. (Y/n) noticed officer Bailey reach into the box where he had photos of him and Michael together. (Y/n) didn't need to hide this, but ideally, he didn't want the cops on his ass.

"Officer Bailey, right?" The officer stopped. "Do you think we can talk privately? I'm concerned about my safety," (Y/n) shot an innocent look. The officer nodded, setting the box down. They both moved onto a corner of the room. "I-um don't really feel safe around this neighborhood anymore. Do you happen to know any precautions I should take?" He looked straight into the officers eyes. Officer Bailey looked away for a second, nervously gulping. "I-uh can assure you neighbor watch will be patrolling the area, like I said earlier". (Y/n) wasn't satisfied with that answer. "So, does that mean I get to see you more often..?" He warmly smiled and didn't break eye contact. The officer nodded, "I hope so". (Y/n) put a hand on the officers shoulder, "thank you!" He let his hand linger for a moment before letting go. Officer Bailey called up the other cops and they all started walking towards the front door, with (Y/n) following behind them. "It was wonderful meeting you, (Y/n)", Officer Bailey smiled. "It was great meeting you too, officer". As those words came out (Y/n)'s mouth, Officer Bailey tensed up. One of the other cops noticed this and playfully hit his side. Officer Bailey looked over at him and playfully pushed him off. "We're off then". They all said their goodbyes before leaving.

(Y/n) shut the door behind him and sighed. "The shit I do for this fucker". He looked around, "where the fuck would he be hiding?" He made his way to his room and  almost screamed. There sat Michael on his bed, as if nothing happened. "You scared me," (Y/n) nervously laughed. "Where were you hiding?" He asked, even though he knew he wouldn't get a response back. He sighed and took a seat next to Michael. He noticed Michael's eyes following him from under the mask. "You're lucky I saved your ass," he playfully said. "I had to flirt with the cops to get them to leave". Michael turned his head to look at (Y/n). He wasn't to happy. (Y/n) quickly noticed this. "I promise my intentions weren't bad. I just didn't want him to look in the box I have our photos in..." he sighed. "That's only for us to see..." he mumbled under his breath. Michael heard this. He couldn't keep his eyes off of (Y/n). Michael already knew this ever since they met at the facility, but (Y/n) was attractive.

He remembers a few instances where other security guards or employees would flirt with him. It didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl, but Michael was pissed. He was HIS best friend and nobody else's. How dare they see (Y/n) like that. Plus, he knew (Y/n) would never give any of those old fucks a chance.

Michael knew (Y/n) had a type. He liked girls that were feminine and confident. He remembers a few times when they were little that kids would tease him for "being gay", and (Y/n) would deny everything and explain his type. Michael was puzzled. Did (Y/n) even like guys? There was no way he didn't. He needed to look closely for any signs of his type in guys.

Without a word, Michael stood up and walked out of (Y/n)'s room. (Y/n) curiously followed behind him and watched as he turned on the TV. He put on a news channel and listened to the reporter describing Michael's story.

(Y/n) watched him but was quickly interrupted by a phone call. He looked at the contact. Michael turned to see (Y/n) pick up the phone. "Mom? What's up?" He listened as (Y/n) spoke into the phone. "I'm at home packing for the trip. I can come over in maybe 10 minutes?" Michael walked closer to (Y/n). He had just gotten him back. He didn't want (Y/n) to leave. "Okay. Bye mom", (Y/n) hung up the phone and turned around. He slightly jumped as he bumped into Michael's chest. "Fuck! I'm sorry. Stop sneaking up on me like that!" He laughed. Michael just walked away. He stood in front of the door, as a form of protest. "Michael! I have to go!" (Y/n) sighed. "I'm supposed to be sleeping over at my moms today!" He complained. He walked up to Michael and tried pushing him out the way. Michael didn't move. "Please! I can't just cancel on her!" He tried moving Michael again. Michael looked down at (Y/n). He knew he was smirking under that mask. (Y/n) rolled his eyes, "asshole". He sighed, "Mikey, tomorrows Halloween. People are gonna be suspicious if I don't distance myself a little". (Y/n) knew Michael had some sort of soft spot when he called him "Mikey". Michael looked down at (Y/n) and slightly moved, meaning he's free to go. "Thanks". (Y/n) grabbed his suitcase and headed out.

RZ Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now