Not such a bad day bit not really a good one either

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Authors POV

Felix had just woken up as he rubbed his eyes, Hyunjin still being wrapped around him as he was a cuddler when asleep.

Felix turned off his alarm wondering how Hyunjin could sleep through it, he then started to roughly shake Hyunjin making the taller make instantly wake up.

"Why're you shaking me so hard", Hyunjin groans pushing his face into Felix's chest as he wrapped his legs around the younger males legs.

"Because we both have a class at 10 today", Felix says as it was currently 7am, Felix always got up earlier because he liked to have time to himself before going to his classes.

"Let me sleep another 30 minutes please", Hyunjin begs as Felix lets out a small giggle as his grumpiness, "Ok, but I have to get up", Felix tells him as Hyunjin lets him go although he didn't want to.

Instead Hyunjin settled on hugging one of Felix's big plushies he had, which smelt like Felix, a nice caramel scent.

Felix stretched before he went to brush his teeth and pick out clothes before hopping into the shower.

Once he was done showering he glanced at his body in the mirror, Felix seemed all happy go sunshine, but that was really only to hide his true feelings on the inside.

Only his brother, Jisung and I.N really knew about the few disorders he had, one of them being a eating disorder.

It's gotten better but it's starting to go back to being bad again, yesterday Felix threw up after eating with Hyunjin.

Hyunjin just thought the male had an upset stomach because that's what Felix told him, he was of course worried but he didn't want to push Felix for any answers.

As Felix looked at himself he couldn't help but be dissatisfied with himself, recently with all the sexual harassment from certain individuals, and now the bullying starting again, he wasn't feeling to ok with himself.

But that didn't mean he was going to stop wearing the cute outfits he liked, it was what helped him boost his confidence in himself in the first place.

He sighed as he started to get dressed, he already knew he wasn't going to have breakfast today, but he'd still cook some for Hyunjin.

No matter what he does, he always seems to feel as if he's being judged by someone, he started to think of something else to not ruin his mood too much.

He walked out of the bathroom and Hyunjin was now up as he scratched his head looking confused.

"You look silly", Felix says with a small giggle, Hyunjin couldn't speak as he stared at Felix's choice of clothing today.

"You look silly", Felix says with a small giggle, Hyunjin couldn't speak as he stared at Felix's choice of clothing today

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(This plus the chains and choker)

"Do you have a jacket to go over that?", Hyunjin asked Felix who was currently sitting at his vanity doing his hair and makeup.

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