Chapter 1

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O2 (Carter Mitchell) in the M.M.


Nice work today Ray! Erin said walking by my office before he went into his.

Thanks Thompson! You to. I said with a half smile. I got up from my desk and clipped my gun to my hip so I could get my next parolee.

You wanna get dinner tonight? It's this great place across town.

Yeah no.... I'm busy and have a lot to catch up on.

You say that every time I ask you out. Come on! It'll be great!

Let me take a rain check! I said with half a smile.

Ima hold you to that.

Okay Erin!

You can come in! I directed him. I closed the door as he came in and gestured for him to sit down. He licked his lips and smirked. This man was fine as hell! He stood about 6'7, very muscular, tattoos every where and neatly retwisted dreads that came past his shoulders. His whole ora, everything about him screamed THAT NIGGA!

You ain't interested in him is you? He asked smirking.

Excuse you?

I'm sayin doe as fine as you are that square is not yo type. I see why he on yo heels though. He said licking his lip.

Okayyyy, first off don't ever listen to my conversation again! Secondly Mr. Mitchell I'm officer Ray! You will address me as such. And respect me as such!

It's O2!

Excuse you?

You called me Mr. Mitchell. I'm known as O2 around here and out there.

Well In here, In my office I'm the boss! I'm the head honcho! I'm the kingpin so i will address you as so. Now like i was saying MR. Mitchell! I need you to fill this sheet out. You do right by me I do right by you. You lie and try to fuck me in anyway I will violate yo ass and have you back upstate faster than you can blink yo eyes. Do you understand me? I said aggressively.
With these niggas I gotta talk stern to them. A lot of them take us female officers as jokes so I always had to show that I'm not one of them.

I hear you! But I'm sure you know respect is earned not given. As long as you respect me ima respect you!

I looked at him like he was crazy.! I sat up in my chair and folded my arms. "Two counts of murder, 3 counts of attempted murder, possession of illegal firearms, possession of illegal substances with intent to sell! See Mr. Mitchell I don't respect people like you! Your nothing but a convict! A gang banger to say the least.!"

Congratulations you know how to read!

Yeah I do very well!

Good cause than you'll know one of those attempted murder charges are on a cop! I don't fuck with your kind either sweetheart! He said aggressive. He clenched his jaw and I could tell he was pissed. He dropped the clipboard on my desk and sat back.

Is that a threat?

I don't make threats all my words are actions.

Mmmm, we'll your on parole for 5 years, seeing how we are going to be getting really close Mr. Mitchell time for your drug test! I said getting up and grabbing the cup from my desk. I smirked and gave it to him.

Drug test?

Yeah let's go! I opened my door and he sucked his teeth before getting up. He looked at me and smirked before walking past me. I escorted him to the bathroom and he went in first.

Pee in the cup don't touch the toilet and come wash your hands. I said standing in the side of him.

You gone watch me piss?

Mr. Mitchell don't act like you don't know how this go. You been on parole before.

You right I have! He smirked before unzipping his pants. Usually I don't watch my parolees pee but this man pulled out a big dick. I turned and looked away quick. "You like what you see or something?" He asked with laughter.

Don't flatter yourself hurry up! I said looking back at him.

He licked his lips and finished up. He sat the cup on the counter. He came over and washed his hands before flushing the toilet and washing his hands again.

Grab your cup and follow me! I directed as we walked out the bathroom. I led him down the hall
To the Eportal machine and he dropped his piss in there. "You have to get fingerprints done so sit here for them to call you when your done back at my office!" I directed him. I knocked on the door and notified the clerk he was here to get his fingerprints done.

I sat back in my chair and Thompson looked at me and smiled. I hated that our offices was literally right across from each other. He acted like a lil girl with a school crush or something. I turned away from him and kept doing what I was doing.

Mr. Mitchell came back into my office and I closed the door handing him a bunch of papers. "These are your papers with rules and regulations, fees and fines you have to pay. This is your information to check in on CE connect. You are to check in every Monday before 11:59pm. Failure to do so will result in me being on yo ass like white on rice or a violation the choice is yours. On the first paper I gave you let's go over the basic rules. No weapons, no drugs or alcohol. Do I make myself clear?"

I hear you!

Curfew time is 11:30pm!

Curfew? Ima grown ass man!

Your also a felon! You do well the first few months and I'll take the curfew away.


You are to pay $100 a month in fees, $375 for your fingerprints and $500 for drug testing and other fees. All fees and payments have to be made by the time your parole is up.


So I wanna see you back here next Monday the 12th! At 11am, don't be late Mr. Mitchell!

I won't. He got up and I got up to open the door.
"Tell that bum ass nigga over there stop looking at you!"

Don't threaten another officer Mitchell!

Didn't I tell you I don't make threats!

Whatever I'll see you next week.

Yes you will! He smirked licking his lips and walking away from me. I closed my door and sat back at my desk. That man was going to be a handful!

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