Chapter 93

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Oweee man oh man I feel like I owe y'all an explanation I know I haven't written in so long since July actually. I see y'all Facebook messages and Instagram Dms. Let me just say I'm sorry y'all. My life has been completely flipped upside down COMPLETELY. Right after I found out I graduated in June I found out I was pregnant so from there until late August I was having an extremely rough pregnancy couldn't eat or drink anything couldn't stay woke. School started back late August for me and as well as being a mom to my already 8 year old son. So much was going on in my life..... on the 18th (September) my boyfriend unexpectedly passed away from a horrible car crash so I haven't been the best of the best. His funeral was October 1st and I could hear him saying write! That's how I get all my feelings out and writing helps me. I haven't had any desire to write in months and I especially don't now. This is an extremely difficult time for me right now so I just ask y'all to be patient with me. I lost my entire heart and I'm not okay. I will be updating as best as I can. And I know I don't owe y'all
My life story or an explanation but y'all are loyal to the soil and been messaging me forever for updates.
Thanks y'all much love‼️💙

                Xoxoxox Miss Author Lady A'lexis(y'all voices lol) 💙


I swayed to the music with my hand in Carters as we smiled and giggled into each others eyes. Soft music played around us as we danced under the rising sun. The sun rise was beautiful as it crept above the water.

Carter pushed the hair back out my face smiling biting his bottom lip. "I love you Asia!" He said in a serious tone.

I love you to baby! I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him. "Thank you for coming into our lives! Never thought I'd ever get my true love or happy ending.!"

I'm glad you come into my life! You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on and your changing me in ways you'd never know.

How so?

I pray to God everyday that he continues to mold me into the man you need me to be and want me to be. I pray to God everyday that nothing takes you away from me or away from you. I never thought I'd be getting married in my entire life. I never thought a woman could make me feel the way you do. I wanna be the best man the best version of myself for you, for the girls, for our son. I use to just fuck females and move on get what I want and not give a fuck about somebody feelings. But you Asia I care! I can't hurt you! When you cry it's like I didn't do my job it's like inlet you down. You should only cry from tears of joy never cause I hurted you or anything. Your my entire world baby and I know it's a reason God placed you in my life.

I feel the same way baby! You hit everything on the nail. (I giggled) I can't even imagine my life without you at all or I''ve taught me so much in this time we've been together. To be married and having a baby all within under a year I never would of thought this would be how my life would be but baby I wouldn't have it any other way.

Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell I'm so sorry to bother you too....the phone and it's urgent! A worker said coming over to us. He had a look of wordy on his face. Carter took the phone and stepped away from me for a bit.

He turned around and looked at me. His face had a complete look of worry on it. He hung up and I could tell something wasn't right.

We have to get home! NOW!

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