Chapter 61

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Daddy! I heard a lil voice say. I looked up and seen I'lan running towards me. I smiled hard and picked my baby up kissing her all over her face as she giggled and she started crying. "I miss you daddy!" She sang as I wiped her tears.

Oh baby I miss you way more! I smiled trying not to cry. I haven't seen my daughter in so long it was fuckin with my head.

Come on let's go! Kierra yelled at her trying to get her from my arms.

I wanna stay with my daddy! I'lan cried.

Let me just spend a few hours with her please, I'll bring her back!

Nah, you good!

Dude why is you so bitter!? Like I just wanna see my daughter!

You see her now bye! I'lan let's go!

Kierra come on please. I don't ask you for shit!

You can't ask me for a fuckin thing, that's the thing! Ain't you playin house with yo bitch and her daughter! OH!

Ain't nobody playing house....

Yeah cause y'all broke up!

Who told you some shit like that?!

Just know I know, my baby ain't no rebound! You done playing daddy to that lil ugly girl and forgot about my baby YEAH OKAY CARTER! And than on top of that you still haven't asked or seen your son how you gone speak to I'lan and your son is right here the living one!

You tryna be funny?

Nah, but this conversation dead just like y'all baby! She said with a little snicker. This bitch just pissed me clean the fuck off. If I wasn't in the middle of this mall and in front of my daughter i would straight RKO her dumb ass.!

I wiped my face and took a deep breath before I moved close to her. I gripped the back of her neck bringing her extremely close to me. "Kierra I am going to kill you!"

Let me fuckin go! She said sternly and sad through gritted teeth.

I am going to take my daughter and I am going to spend the rest of the day with her and it's not gone be a fuckin thing you can do about it! Do I make myself clear! DO I FUCKIN MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?! She finally nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

I let her go yanking her back. "Carter...I..."

Carter nothing! Stop playing in my face, and I ain't gone tell yo ass again. I'm trying to respect you cause your my daughters mother but you making it easier for me to put yo ass 10 feet under!

I moved away from her and her baby started crying. That lil muthafucka ain't look Shìt like me either. "You baby crying!" I smirked. "Come on baby girl!" I picked my daughter up and walked off. She stood there looking stupid. I swear if this bitch tried some weird shit ima off her goofy ass!

Damn I missed you! I smiled hugging my baby girl again before getting in the car. I swear I can't even function straight without her. She the only thing that keeps me sane.

I missed you so much too daddy! I really wanted to call you but mommy told me no I can't and took my phone away and iPad so I can't.

Well let's go get you a new phone and iPad and next time she try to take it away when you want me you call me okay!

Okay!! She smiled hard hugging my neck. "Daddy?"

Yes baby!

Can I come live with you? I don't like the new house or my mommy boyfriend! He looks at me funny.

He looks at you funny?

Yeah and sometimes he comes in the bathroom with me and uses it while I'm taking a shower or a bath. I told mommy but she doesn't believe me and says he's a good guy. But it scares me.

He did what? What else he do he touch you? In any type of way?

No but he just scares me when he looks at me. He asked me did I wanna take a nap with him and the baby in mommy bed yesterday. I said NO than mommy came home.

Look at me I'lan Cartier Mitchell! I grabbed my daughter face and looked her in the eyes. "I will never ever and I mean ever let anybody hurt you! You understand me? I don't care who it is, I will never let them hurt you!"


Can I take my gun home?

Why do you need it I'lan?

In case he tries so hurt me when you not there he's scary!

Your not going back to your moms! Your staying with me, okay?!

Okay! She smiled and sat back in her seat. I gripped the steering wheel tight and tried to catch my breath. I was not sane right now. I was about to black out.

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