Chapter 13

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When I say my man applies pressure he applies it okay! Every since we got back from Miami he been telling me how beautiful I am, and how lucky he is to have me. We spent every single night together and after I dropped Harm off to school I was at his house all week. Harm was  with her dad this weekend so I got to spend all weekend with him. He drove up to the next city so we could spend time with each other. We did a bunch of kid Shìt just having fun and getting to know each other more and more. I feel
Like I was getting a whole brand new side of him
No one has ever seen. He was so genuine and nothing like I ever expected him to be.

You don't think we moving to fast is we? I asked him as I laid on his chest.

Why you think that? He asked confused.

We've only been talking for a few weeks and the sex is amazing don't get me wrong but I just don't want things to happen to fast! I said sitting up looking at him.

We grown Asia we ain't doing nothing that we ain't been wanting to do.

You think so?

I know so! Come here! He sat up and pulled me closer to him. "I ain't gone hurt you Ight, if that's what you worried about!"

It's job....

I told you I'd never put you in a predicament to lose your job or anything.

Can I ask you something....?

Go ahead...

You really like me or you just wanted to fuck me cause I'm your PO and you needed to make sure you don't get sent back to jail?!

What? He asked laughing. "Where that come from?"

I'm serious I need to know.....

Asia if I didn't like you I wouldn't be putting this much effort into you. I'd just be fuckin you at my house every time you popped up for a parole visit. That's not something you have to question. I like you a lot....

I was talking to my friend the other day and she told me how you treat girls...

And how do I treat them? He asked with laughter cutting me off.

Like Shìt! You fuck them get what you want than leave them. Like they are disposable. Like you can get any girl you want!

And you think ima do that to you?

Well yeah kinda, I never been in another situation before besides with my baby father and all he did was lie to me and cheat. I just wanna make sure that doesn't happen again. Your a extremely handsome man and I know you can have whatever woman comes your way I just wanna make sure we stay neutral and if this is just a sexual thing I need to know now before I let any feelings get deeper involved.

This isn't just a sexual thing, you right I can have whatever woman I want but I found the one I want. I don't plan to hurt you in any type of way shape or form. But I am a man and Shìt do happen. I don't sugar coat anything that I do. I always keep it real and that's a fact. If you feel like we moving to fast we can slow it down a bit. I ain't in a rush to do nothing. I want you to be comfortable and happy.

And I want you to be comfortable and happy to!

I am, everything will work it's self out I promise.

Thank you for giving me reassurance.

I will always! He said before kissing me on my forehead. I smiled and cuddled back under him. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me again.

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