Chapter 29

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I walked down the street helplessly as the rain covered me soaking my body and tears blinding me. I had no coat on, no shoes on, just a shirt and sleeping shorts. I looked every single way and in every single yard that was visible. I felt helpless as time was winding down. My girls could of been anywhere.

God I know your listening to me, you hear and see my cries. I'm begging you to please cover my daughters, wrap your arms around them and shield them from the darkness. God I'm begging you to guide them to safety and return them safe to me. God please I'm begging you. Let my babies know I love them, I'll never stop looking for them. I cried and shouted in the middle of the street falling to my knees as I prayed to god.

As I reached the end of the street I could hear children's laughter. I wiped my eyes and the rain out my face. I walked to the park in hopes of my prayers being answered.

I'm hungry! A little girl said.

Yeah me too! We should of ate before we ran away! You think Asia still has the food out? Another little girl laughed.

I don't know, let's go home it's cold out here!

Mommy! I ran threw the gates so fast as I slipped and fell in the mud. I hugged my daughters so tight crying hard as I wrapped my arms around them. They both hugged me back so tight and I cried and cried and cried gasping for air, I thanked God.

Oh my god thank you! I love y'all! Harmony i love you, I'lan i love you! Are you okay? I asked them as I finally came to words.

We fine! Can we go home?

Yes! I got up from the mud hugging them. I sobbed and cried on the way back home. I just wanted them to get out the rain and cold.

Oh my god you found them! Chante cried. Her, D, and Donnie ran off the porch to us. They hugged their nieces as we went into the house.

Don't y'all ever in y'all lives scare us like that again! D yelled.

Especially you Harmony you know better! Donnie yelled.

It's just that we thought if we ran away together that we wouldn't have to worry about getting split up after they get a divorce. I'lan said sadly.

We suppose to be a family and she's my sister! Harmony added.

We will always be a family! No one's going any where babies! I wiped my tears and hugged them again. "Go get cleaned up and shower and get in the bed."

They nodded their heads and went up the back stairs. I fell to the floor holding myself. I felt like I was the worst mother in history. I brought this upon myself. I cradled myself crying. I've never felt so broken in my life.

You found them? Carter asked bussing through the door.

They are fine! They are upstairs showering and getting ready for bed. D said stepping in his face.

Move I need to see my daughter. He barked at her.
He ran up the back stairs and I could hear him yelling.

Stop yelling at them! That's why they just ran away in the first place. What the fuck is wrong with him. Chante asked pissed off.

All I keep hearing is his daughter, his daughter this, his daughter that! Harm was with her too and ain't mentioned her once. Damn that lil girl loved the fuck out of him and it don't seem like he has that same energy with Harm! D said annoyed.

Can y'all just give me some time with my husband. I plead after getting up. I walked up the stairs and it seemed he had calmed down. "I won't divorce you!"


Carter if this is what it's gonna be like me losing my kids I won't divorce you!

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