Chapter 73

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I slapped my lawyer up as we entered the courtroom. I wasn't to happy with this nigga how shit ended last time.

How are you Mr. Mitchell? He asked
With a smile.

Shit can't call it!

All rise for the honorable judge May! The bailiff announced as we stood up. She walked in looking mean as hell.

You may be seated! We are here for the Mitchell vs Simmons case. Is both parties here?

Yes your honor.

Yes your honor.

Okay, I've been brief lightly on the situation that happened the other night at Ms Simmons house. Mr. Mitchell you do understand that by law taking that child from her mothers house is kidnapping?

No I am not aware your honor my child is and was in danger.!


Sustain, Mr. Mitchell answer my question.

My daughter been confined in me that she didn't feel safe with her mother's boyfriend in the home. The other night she called me in tears to the point I couldn't understand a word that was being said she was crying so hard. I went to the house and when I got there she was holding her child crying and begging her boyfriend to leave. She was disoriented and beaten up pretty badly. My daughter came downstairs and I took her, AFTER the cops showed up.

Ms Simmons is that what happened?

Yes your honor!

And why was your child crying?

She was in the shower when he came in on her and he touched himself and her. Kierra admitted making me take a deep breath. I wanted to knock her ass out too. "I would never ever ever let anyone harm my baby."

So he sexually assaulted her? I didn't see that in the report.

No, he had uhh just touched her...

I am immediately going forward with giving Mr. Mitchell full custody of I'lan Mitchell! Your environment is not safe for her. 9/10 you moms get right back with the man. I won't give him that chance to satisfy his self with her. And knowing who you are Mr. Mitchell off the record I know who you are and what you do, you don't need another body! She said looking me dead in my eyes. Kierra broke out crying.

Please, please, please don't take my baby away from me. My kids are all I have! She begged and cried.

Ms Simmons if you paid attention to any signs I'd their was any which I know they was and been left him we wouldn't be here in this place right now. Get yourself together in this courtroom. She yelled. The judge was on 10 today. "Now I am ordering you to pay $300 weekly to Mr. Mitchell with your income I wish it was more!"

Your honor with all due respect and not to interrupt you but my client doesn't want any child support or anything he only wants full custody of his child and that's all.

Granted, visitation?

I wanna leave that up to my baby! I said in his ear.

He wants to leave it up to the child.

Okay, Mr. Mitchell that is granted but she can not spend the night or be left with the mother for accessible reasons and hours.

Yes your honor.

The case of I'lan Mitchen is now closed. She is being returned for good. Full custody to her father Carter Mitchell. Kierra Simmons you are not to pay child support if Mr. Mitchell says it is okay to see your child you can. Now moving on to 9 week old Bryson Carter Mitchell. The DNA results have came back and Mr. Mitchell you are not the father!

Oh my god! Kierra screamed so loud you would of thought she was on an episode of Murray. She fell completely out.

Your honor my client request that the baby name be changed he doesn't want his name at all associated with this matter.

Granted. Ms Simmons you have 24 hours to submit the proper documentation for a legal name change. Carter Mitchell can not be associated with this baby.


Maybe if you had better control of who you open yo legs for we wouldn't be here court is adjourned good day. She banged her gravel and I couldn't not have the biggest smile on my face.

Please, please let me see my baby! Kierra begged me as she followed me out the courtroom.

All them times I begged you and begged you not to take her away from me and you ripped her from my arms. Member that? Karmas a bitch ain't it! I smirked.

Wait a minute now wait a fuckin minute Carter you use to be so sweet and loving let her see her baby!
Her aunt said.

You should of been telling her the same thing except for she was running her mouth saying ima bad dad, and ima dead beat, and keep taking my kid away from me. It's cool when she do it but it's a problem when I do it? FUCK YALL! DISRESPECTFULLY! Oh and on top of that you tried to pin a baby on me that I knew wasn't mine! If I'lan wants you to be in her life by the time I kill you I might consider you seeing her. Now excuse me I have to get back home to my pregnant wife...a baby I know is mine! I smiled widely before walking away.

Today was a good fuckin day! I wasn't gone kill nobody today! Everybody lives! I walked outside and my car pulled up in front of me.

Sir you have any spare change? A homeless man asked me as I was coming down the stairs. I reached in my pocket and gave him a $100 dollar bill before getting in the car.

Take me to 15th and Fox! I told my driver. Man I couldn't be more happier than anything right now.

I walked into the trap and everyone was here getting shit in order bagging up everything and getting shit ready to go.

Aye boss! Ronnie called out to me as I was about to go upstairs.


It's a fein out here askin for you say she yo moms and shit!

I ain't got no mom! I walked past him and out to the front. I took a deep breath and leaned against the door frame with my arms folded. "What Tiffany?"

Hi.i..Hi baby! You so handsome! She smiled with tears in her eyes.

Fuck you want?

Can. You...can you... you can help ya mama out? Baby I'm just low...I just need something baby! Please help ya mama out.

You ain't my mama, you stopped being my mother the day I sold this shit to you! "Here!" I took a small baggy from my pocket and threw towards her on the ground.

Thank you baby, thank you baby I love you I love you so much baby! How''s my grand baby!

Don't fix yo lips to ask about my child! Get yo ass outta here before I shoot you!

You really have grown up to be so handsome and wonderful and a brilliant man! I love you son! She said struggling to stand up. She started down the street. I was pissed she brought her ass over here! Dumb ass bitch!

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