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Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*


Jack has always had a good and comfy life. From being a very smart person and getting a PHD in chemistry. Being a expert drummer. Too having nice parents who would do anything for him.

His favorite thing to do in his free time was to play his drum set and make music with his friends. He was also a protective person who would help and protect those who he cares about.

Even though his life was what many poeple dreamed theirs could be. Jack had always felt that something was missing. Like a part of his own soul was not with him.

That feeling would go away when he watched him favorite show, Pokemon.
His favorite Gen was gen 6 or XYZ.
He watched it so much that people thought he was obsessed and he kinda was. He was currently finishing up gen 7 or Sun and Moon.

Today Jack was heading to his friend's house to play for a while. When he arrived, he saw his friend Adam playing on his phone.

They talked for a while then walked to the park. On the way they had to cross the street. Adam went first but dropped his phone and went to pick it up. Jack saw a truck coming up the road and yelled at adam to move.

Adam, being Adam, thought he yelled at him to pick up the phone. So he decided to pick it up very slowly.

With the truck getting closer and closer,
Jack made the decision to push adam out of the way. Jack charged at full speed to push Adam and did save him, but forgot about himself.

The large truck hit Jack at 40 MPH. He was on the brink of death. Adam ran to him and started crying over him and yelled for ambulance.

Jack decided to go out with a bang. He asked Adam to delete everything on his computer then destroy it. After that Jack couldn't hear a thing Adam said because of blood loss.

The last thing Jack saw was nurses rushing to help him. He then closed him eyes for what he thought was the last time. However fate had other plans for the young man.


Well I always did say I would put my life down for my friends but who knew it would be for adam. He was always the cautious guy.

I'm floating around in a pitch black void just chilling. I can't feel, see, or do anything. I think that I'm being judged by a god or something but I don't know.

???: Child

I suddenly hear this big deep voice that sounds like a wise old man. I try talk back but I then realize I can't physically speak.

???: you have had a nice life had and had a lot of things going for you, but you gave it all up to save a friend for that I am impressed

What the fuck is happening right now.
I think I was right I'm being judged by some God I think, but they sound very familiar.

???: because of your selflessnes I am going to give you a choice

This now suddenly sound like a isekai. If I'm being isekaied then i hope it's in the pokemon universe. Then I would accept.

???: so you accept, alright you have made your choice now I shall fulfill it, but be warned your actions do affect the timeline

Calm down yes it read my mind and I know why they sound familiar, I think it's arceus.

If I'm going to the pokemon world then I hope I land somewhere I know, and not a evil team base.

Suddenly a very bright light appears and I just stare at it. Then it suddenly starts rushing towards me. I try to scream but nothing happens. Then it gets very dark again.

Then I can feel something. Like I have a body again. I start to move around but I realize I'm trapped in something.

Jack: Where am I?

I start pushing and punching this thing to try and escape. Then I heard a cracking noise and suddenly I see a bright light followed by 2 very familiar voices.

???: A Riolu!!

???: A uniquely colored one

I Got Reborn as a Riolu!Where stories live. Discover now