Chapter 9 - Revealing The Truth

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Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


I just woke up. It's 5:31 AM. I wonder why I woke up so early. Maybe the universe wants me to do something entertaining. I can't go back to sleep, I've tried.

O well, if I can't sleep then I'll just go out and train a bit. As I start walking, I sense someone watching me.

Red: *whispering* who's there, and what are you doing?

I hear slow walking. I look in the direction I heard it. Then rockruff appeared.

Rockruff: *whispering* Hi red

Red: *whispering* what are you doing up so early

Rockruff: *rockruff* I couldn't sleep

Red: *whispering* same, I going to train a bit, want to join me?

Rockruff: *whispering* sure

We walk outside and look around for a good training spot. We found a battle field behind the pokemon center.

Red: we'll train here

Rockruff: ok, what first?

Red: a sparing match, don't worry I'll hold back, you win if you hit me once, I win if you give up

Rockruff: ok, lets do this


Red and rockruff stand on opposite sides of the battle field. Rockruff gets the first move, and he uses rock throw. Red runs around the field to dodge.

Rockruff: he's fast

Red used quick attack and hit rockruff. It didn't hurt him, but it does sting enough to serve as a lesson.

Red: you need to think outside the box to win

Red continues to dodge rockruffs attacks. Untill rockruff tries something else. He stoped his rock throw.

Red was suspicious, untill rockruff started charging at him wil tackle. Red dodges by jumping into the air.

Rockruff: just as I'd hoped

Rockruff looks up and starts using rock throw again. Red was surprised, but managed to block it. Then falls back to the ground.

Red: you win rockruff, good job

Rockruff: thanks but, I feel like you're about the tell me that I messed up

Red: yeah you're right, you're too slow, lack accuracy, and predictable

Rockruff: that was harsh

Red: but it's the truth, if you can't fix these issues, then you wont be able to win against your future opponents

Rockruff: ok ok, I see your point, I'll work on it

Red: good, in the mean time, there's something I've been wanting to try

With that, the 2 split up. Rockruff stays at the battlefield to work on his accuracy. While Red walks into the forest to test his idea.


Okay my idea is far fetched but if it works, I'll be very happy. I realized a long time ago that my aura sense works very similar to something called observation haki.

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