Chapter 16 - A New Yet Old World

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Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead?

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


Well I'm in another dimension again. Wonder where I'll end up this time. Hopefully we can find Lycanroc before he starts to die. Also hope that he doesn't cause any trouble while he's there.

As we come out the other end of the portal, I smell the disgusting air. Smells like burnt coal and.......dead decaying bodies? But soon Ash comes out behind me.

Ash: where are we?

Red: *looks around* we'll we're in the middle of a forest so I don't know right now. Remember to keep your ring on ash

Ash: I know Red

Red: do you?

Ash: yes where do we should go from here?

Red: jump on my back

Ash: why?

Red: I'm gonna fly us up to look around

Ash: ok *jumps and holds onto Red's back*

Pikachu: don't forget me *jumps on ash's shoulder*

We fly into the sky and see a giant beautiful city. The lights prevent me from looking too close. I then feel a feel a familiar aura in the city.

Red: I think Lycanroc is down there somewhere

Pikachu: are you sure?

Red: no I'm not. The living beings of this world have a different aura signature them I'm used too. And with Lycanroc being able to somewhat hide his aura and presence makes it kinda difficult to find him. But I should sense him if I get close to him

Ash: do you think he could've left a clue in the forest for us to find?

Red: lets go find out


They three them walk around the forest to see if Lycanroc has been there. While they're looking, ash and pikachu find a symbol carved into a tree. It's J.A.D in circle surrounded by musical instruments.

They stare at it in confusion before calling over Red to check it out. When Red takes a close look at it, he freezes. Pikachu seems to notice it.

Pikachu: Red are you ok?

Red: .............

Ash: is there something wrong?

Red: .............I have Good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Pikachu: what's the bad news?

Red: we're in a dangerous dimension

Ash: and the good news?

Red: I know where we are, and probably where lycanroc is

Pikachu: how do you know where we are if you only looked this weird symbol

Red: because I helped make it


MewTwo has just arrived in the heavily realm where Mew and Arceus live. He looks for the godly pair and eventually finds them bickering about something.

Mew: you pour the MILK first!!

Arceus: NO you pour the CEREAL first!!

Mew: MILK!!

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