Chapter 5 - Bonding and Legendary Encounter

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Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: Can you here me


The sun is setting on the alola region. Ash and the gang spent the whole day training. As a result, everyone is exhausted.

As everyone walked inside, kukui and ash went to make some food. Red and the other pokemon sat down and talked.

Red: another hard day of training, *sits down* completed

Rockruff: it was, very tiring *sits with Red*

Pikachu: not the hardest I've had, but hard and tiring indeed *lays down on couch*

Red: I'm bored

Pikachu and Rockruff: same

Pikachu: hey Red, can I ask you something?

Red: yeah

Pikachu: why don't you talk or train with Rowlett?

Red: *chuckles* believe me I've tried to, but whenever I do he's either sleeping or doing training alone with ash

Rockruff: he got a point Pikachu

Pikachu: true *yawns*

Ash and kukui come back with food. Everyone starts to dig in. Kukui turns the TV on and turns on the news. Kukui gets a idea while watching the news.

Kukui: my students have been working very hard lately, maybe I should give them another day off?, no thats not good enough, how about tomorrow I let them decide what we study

Red was still bored while eating, so he started talking with rockruff.

Red: rockruff, did you learn anything today

Rockruff: just that I'm far behind you guys in terms of strength

Pikachu: don't drag yourself down, use our strength as a motivater to get stronger yourself

Rockruff: I'll try

Pikachu: hey red

Red: yeah

Pikachu: could you tell us some stuff about your old life

Red: sure, what do you want to hear

Rockruff: how do you know so much about us

Red: ok, lets start at the beginning, I was 5 years old and It was 1:21 AM and I'm still awake trying to solve a personal problem

Pikachu: what was it

Red: The problem was, it felt like a part of my own soul was missing, a part of me wasn't with me

Rockruff: that doesn't sound good

Red: But I turned on my TV to distract myself, when I looked at the TV a very popular movie was playing

Rockruff: what was it called

Red: Pokemon, Lucario and the mystery of Mew

Rockruff: sounds fun

Pikachu: and familiar

Red: it should, It was the time when you and ash saved the tree of life, with the help of a lucario

Pikachu: yes, that was, interesting

Red: after I watched that movie I was hooked, I watched every part of the show, I basically was addicted, I watched it so much that I had everything memorized

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