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Elvira breezed through her morning classes, practically sleeping through each one, for it was all material she already knew. Sure there were a few added bonuses, given that everyone she had class with were some sort of outcast.

When Elvira entered her dorm, she was surprised to see Wednesday dressing up in her fencing outfit.

"Going fencing are you?" Elvira asked, putting her backpack on her desk.

"Yes, and so are you," Wednesday told her, pointing to the white fencing uniform on Elvira's bed. Elvira scoffed at the color as she picked it up.

"Not that I hate white, but are you the only one allowed to wear a black one?" Elvira asked, and Wednesday smirked slightly, before reaching under her own bed to pull out a black fencing uniform.

"Of course I got you a black one," Wednesday assured her, and Elvira smiled. "Would you have worn the white one?"

"I've taken to wearing the occasional white shirt," Elvira responded, which caused Wednesday's eyebrows to raise.

"You've branched out," Wednesday commented. Elvira nodded as she took the black uniform.

"I suppose so," she spoke. Quickly the two changed, and were heading down to join the class. They walked in to see the everyone in the room already engaged in separate fights but Wednesday didn't care, she just walked straight through them.

Elvira rolled her eyes, but followed after her cousin anyways, briefly pausing when she saw Xavier take his helmet off to watch the two walk by. They made eye contact once more, and Xavier offered her a small smile, which she returned. They stopped when they approached the third duo, one of them on the ground.

The one standing took their helmet off to reveal that it was Bianca, the Queen Bee herself.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me," the boy she had been fencing said.

"It was a clean strike, Rowan," the coach responded.

"Maybe if you whines less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck," Bianca said, and immediately her voice sent goosebumps down Elvira's spine. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Normally Elvira liked the sound, but this girl's voice made her realize how everyone else hated it. "Seriously coach, when am I going to get some real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?"

Elvira was about to speak when Wednesday beat her to it.

"I do," Wednesday spoke, and Elvira smirked as Biana turned around to look at the two of them in distaste.

"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in," Bianca commented, before looking to Elvira. "And your the little lightning girl AKA the psychopath's sidekick."

Elvira's gaze hardened at her words, and she felt the electricity crackle between her fingers. She was thankful that her suit was specially made to contain her electric shocks, otherwise her gloves would be fried.

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees, pull out their stingers and they drop dead," Wednesday replied, which made Bianca's cocky smile drop. When there were a few 'ooh's from the students behind them, Bianca scowled.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense," she told Wednesday. "He's not helpless, he's lazy."

"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asked. Bianca pursed her lips and nodded, the two moving to face each other as Elvira backed out of the way. She felt a presence next to her and she looked to see Xavier standing right next to her. He smiled down at her and she returned it.

"You're not wearing braids," he whispered, and she raised an eyebrow. He was obviously referring to how her hair was down, naturally straight, while Wednesday's was in her signature pigtail braids.

"What a keen observation," Elvira responded, her voice monotone.

"Sorry, I just figured that you and Wednesday would be like twins or something," he defended.

"We're cousins, not sisters, and definitely not twins," Elvira clarified.

"Noted," Xavier told her, and then they turned their attention back to the people in front of them.

"En garde," the coach said. Both Wednesday and Bianca lowered their helmets, and Elvira smirked as she watched her cousin get into her stance. Bianca made the first move, testing Wednesday, before Wednesday retaliated and the two began to fight. It was only ten seconds later when Wednesday scored the first point, Elvira's smirk only growing larger.

"Point to Wednesday," the coach said. Elvira saw Bianca visibly stiffen, and she knew that the siren was growing irritated. They went again, and soon Bianca had scored. "Score is even."

Wednesday took off her helmet, and so did Bianca.

"That first point was clearly beginner's luck," Bianca commented, and Elvira cocked her head to the side. "Let's finish this."

"For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks, no tips, winner draws first blood," Wednesday announced, and Elvira saw Bianca hesitate.

"It's your decision Bianca," the coach said, as everyone in the room stopped to watch. Wednesday had trapped Bianca. If Bianca refused, she would look weak or scared in front of everyone in the room, but it was very evident that she didn't want to agree.

"Let's see if you bleed in black and white," Bianca commented, accepting Wednesday's challenge. She threw her helmet to the side, and only seconds later Wednesday lunged at her. The girls almost knocked Elvira over, but Xavier pulled her back just in time, as the two continued. Wednesday seemed to be winning, but she made one mistake and instantly Bianca had made a tiny slash above her eyebrow.

"Looks like your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed," Bianca commented, as Wednesday glared at her. The coach sent Wednesday off to the infirmary, but Elvira didn't follow. She had unfinished business. Bianca looked like she was about to pack up her things, but Elvira spoke up.

"Ah ah, you haven't fought me yet, siren." Bianca glared at her, and Elvira smirked.

"Taking revenge like the good little sidekick you are?" Bianca asked.

"Scared that I'll win and pluck out your stinger?" Elvira responded, using Wednesday's words from earlier. Bianca's eyes widened and she huffed. Elvira smirked as Bianca put her helmet on and the brunette soon followed suit.

While Wednesday may have been really good at fencing, Elvira was phenomenal. It was her favorite pastime, aside from occasionally torturing someone or something.

"En garde," the coach said once more. Elvira didn't wait for Bianca to make the move, she moved first, instantly striking the girl's blade. Bianca seemed surprised as Elvira began to quickly push her back. She had to give Bianca credit, she recovered quickly, and soon was managing to deflect most of Elvira's blows.

She could see that Bianca was getting more confident, and Elvira decided she had gone easy enough. She parried Bianca's blade, and stepped to the side, spinning to allow herself better access to Bianca's torso, before stabbing the covered tip of her blade into Bianca's stomach.

"Point to Elvira," the coach announced, and Elvira backed up as Bianca scoffed. They began fighting once more, Elvira backing off to give Bianca a sense of false confidence. Just when Bianca thought she was going to win, Elvira began attacking more rapidly, pushing her back, and causing her to stumble over her feet. Bianca fell to the ground, and Elvira held her sword out.

"Point to Elvira, and Elvira wins." The Addams girl smirked before reaching down to helped Bianca to her feet. Bianca looked hesitant to accept her hand, but when she did, Elvira pulled her so that she was whispering in her ear.

"Make a careful note siren, I'm nobody's sidekick," she told her harshly, before standing and walking away, Bianca still on the ground.

Xavier watched as Elvira walked off, his jaw on the floor. She had caught his attention the day before in the quad, but now he was fully enraptured by her. He was determined to get to know her, he had to.

Lauren time:
I hope you enjoyed Elvira being a badass bitch. She did as a matter of fact pluck out Bianca's stinger.

Also we got our first Elvira and Xavier interaction, I hope you liked it.

Thank you so much for reading!

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