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Elvira was dreading Parents Weekend. She already knew her father wasn't coming, so she would most likely have to deal with her aunt and uncle being overbearing all weekend. It sounded downright dreadful.

Elvira stood in the quad with the rest of the students, arms crossed, and a scowl on her face, as she listened to Principal Weems talk.

"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children, to learn and to grow. No matter who, or what they are. I realize most have you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students. I am happy to report that Eugene is on the mend, and is expected to make a full recovery," Principal Weems said, making both Wednesday and Elvira scoff. "So let's focus on the positive, and make this Parents' Weekend our very best yet."

"On the mend?" Wednesday grumbled to Elvira and Enid. "Try in a coma."

"Have you been to see him?" Enid asked, Wednesday looking at her as if she were crazy. "You're his friend."

"I'm the reason he's in the hospital," Wednesday reminded Enid. Elvira felt like adding that she was also there, but decided it wasn't the right moment.

"That is not your fault, okay?" Enid asked. "The monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week. Maybe you finally scared it off."

"Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend," Elvira grumbled. Elvira heard a disgruntled sigh from Wednesday, and looked over to see her aunt, uncle, and Pugsley walking into the quad.

"I knew I should have worn my plague mask," Wednesday commented.

"Would you look at my family?" Enid asked in disdain. "Talk about toxic pack mentality. I give my mom thirty seconds before her judgey claws come out. Let's get this over with."

Wednesday and Enid nodded, and the two went their separate ways, Elvira staying put. She would rather avoid her aunt and uncle as long as possible. She quickly retreated up the stairs to watch the mostly happy family reunions from above. She leaned against the railing, before she heard footsteps approach her.

"Not sure how much more of this family togetherness I can take," Xavier said as he leaned his elbows on the railing.

"Your dad is a no show as well?" Elvira asked, turning to face him.

"Yeah, I got a text this morning. You?" Xavier asked.

"This isn't really my father's scene. He'd rather be off committing some sort of crime, than visiting his daughter," Elvira said, her voice bitter. She loved her father, she really did. She just wished that he would pay a bit more attention to her.

"He sounds delightful," Xavier commented.

"Oh he is, when he shows up," Elvira responded. Xavier nodded, and stood up.

"At least your aunt and uncle are here, right?" Xavier asked, the two looking down at Wednesday and her parents.

"I would rather sleep with one of Enid's nightmarish stuffed unicorns than talk with my aunt and uncle," Elvira spoke. Xavier raised his eyebrows at that, and then suddenly Morticia looked up in their direction. Elvira let out a small squeal and quickly moved to hide behind Xavier.

"What are you doing?" Xavier asked in amusement.

"Do not move Xavier Thorpe. My aunt looked over, and I cannot deal with her right now," Elvira hissed. Xavier laughed, but then the sickeningly sweet sound of her aunts voice floated up to her.

"Elvira, was that you my dear?" She heard.

"Better go get one of those unicorns," Xavier commented, as Elvira squeezed her eyes shut. She rested her head against Xavier's back, groaning in protest. Xavier continued to laugh at her. "Aren't you going to answer her?"

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