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Elvira sat on her bed as she watched Wednesday perform a séance, trying to speak with their ancestor Goody. It was taking longer than it was supposed to, so Elvira expected that her cousin wasn't having much luck. Perhaps Goody wasn't in the mood to talk.

Their dorm door abruptly swung open, the breeze blowing out all of Wednesday's candles. Enid then strolled in casually, before realizing that she had interrupted something.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your...uh, do I even want to know?" Enid asked, turning the light on. Wednesday stood and moved from her circle to stand by Enid, Elvira moving to stand on the other side of the blond, the three of them staring at the circle of candles.

"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative," Wednesday told her.

"Feels very on-brand for you. You guys have a relative named Goody?" Enid asked, glancing between the two Addams cousins.

"She was one of the original outcasts. I've been attempting to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties," Wednesday commented.

"Oh, have you thought about using one of my scented candles? The aroma of steak tartare is to die for," Enid told her eagerly. Wednesday stared blankly at Enid, before looking behind her to Elvira, who just shrugged. Suddenly, a small slip of paper was slipped under their door, the trio turning to look at it. "Maybe Goody answered you after all."

As Wednesday went over to grab the paper, Enid and Elvira shared a knowing glance. Birthday time.

"I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts," Wednesday replied as she looked at the slip of paper. Wednesday read the note, and then looked to them.

"What does it say?" Elvira asked, pretending as if she had no idea what was going on. Wednesday didn't answer, and she glanced at Enid briefly, before looking back at her cousin. "Wednesday?"

"Come on. We're going to Crackstone's Crypt," she told them. Both of them pretended to be shocked at the news, Enid gulping in fear.

"Why exactly are we going there?" Enid asked, folding her hands together.

"To figure out who this monster is," Wednesday answered. She walked over to get her jacket, and the other two quickly followed suit, Elvira grabbing her black sweatshirt and putting it on over her black t-shirt and leggings. Each of them grabbed a flashlight and then they were off.

It didn't take them long to get to the crypt, because Wednesday was motivated. Elvira and Enid trailed behind her, making sure that the monster wasn't there. As much as Elvira was fond of the birthday party in a crypt idea, she didn't like the idea of getting spontaneously attacked by a monster.

The trio paused at the entrance, looking around with their flashlights at the details on the front. Elvira shone her light over the engraved letters spelling out 'Joseph Crackstone', before looking at the large statue of the pilgrim.

"Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here," Wednesday commented, her flashlight pointed at the slightly open door to the crypt.

"Ew, what died?" Enid asked, her face scrunching up in disgust at the smell.

"Smells like childhood," Wednesday commented.

"More like those tween years," Elvira added. Wednesday pondered her words for a second but then nodded, and walked through the doors. Elvira followed after, but Enid stayed behind.

As the two Addams cousins walked further into the crypt, Elvira couldn't help but get a little nervous. She knew why they were there, but she didn't know where her friends were coming from. She was a little scared that she might accidentally electrocute one of them.

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