Chapter 4. || An old friend.

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[January 2001. 3 months later]

You woke up, your eyes opened and to your surprise, there were no guards standing in your doorway to give you your breakfast, had I woken up early? You thought as you brought a hand up to your face to rub your eyes in tiredness.

You had to eat breakfast in your room or when the cafeteria was empty. Due to the things that happened a few months ago, they were still being careful of bringing you into the presence of others. You had been isolated for 3 months to calm your bloodlust down, or so they called it. They were only allowing you to eat in an empty cafeteria or talk with your psychiatrist, doctor Loomis, while 4 guards were with you to hold you down if you'd snap and get another murderous rage outburst again.

You soon knew why they were so strict and careful with people like you, murderers. Besides, you weren't the only "dangerous threat" in here... Loomis had told you about another man who was also stuck in here. You knew who he was as soon as you heard his name leave the doctor's mouth, it was an old school friend of yours. Loomis knew. You wondered how the doctor knew about you being friends with him, but he didn't tell you much about how he came on that information. You assumed one of your friends told the police while they were being questioned, they must've written it in your files afterwards.

But you were curious, curious about your old friend. Would he remember you? It had been a long time since the last you've seen him. You secretly hoped he would remember you, because you certainly did remember him.

You remembered the way you stared at the boy before the both of you ever really got to know each other. You had such a big crush on the guy and he didn't even know it. You never planned on telling it to him though, and neither do you now. The small childhood crush you had on the boy was by now probably gone anyways. 

. . .

You stood up and brushed your teeth in the small space a toilet and sink were placed. Above the sink was a small mirror, it wasn't made of glass, it was plastic, probably cause they were scared you'd break the mirror and kill someone with the broken pieces of it. You considered it at first, the first week you were in the sanitarium.
Sitting in your room with nothing to do and nobody to talk to other than stare at a ceiling had made you think about ways you could try to escape. Before you knew the mirror wasn't glass you wanted to break the mirror and kill the guards with the broken pieces the second they came to your room, or to try to get out of the guards' grips whenever they were bringing you to your psychiatrist again and escape, or try your best to just break the window. Those were some of the many things you had thought about, but you could keep on dreaming because you knew escaping this place... wouldn't be as easy as how you made it up in your mind. Besides that, you still had to be slightly more careful with your leg, it wasn't injured anymore and it luckily only left a scar but yet it had damaged one of your nerves.. 

After you were done in the bathroom you walked to your bed and laid down again. You closed your eyes with a deep breath. Suddenly the sound of people coming into your room was heard. Your eyes shot open and looked at the door to be greeted by two guards. You hadn't seen them before.

"Come on, time for breakfast." One of the guards said, it was a young man with dirty blond hair and a tired look on his face. You closed your eyes and sighed before standing up and walking over to them. The other older man cuffed your hands and brought you into the hallway. As you walked by rooms filled with patients one of the men started to speak.

"Listen here kid, this will be your first time eating in the cafeteria with other patients. I want you to behave heh? If not, there'll be consequences, understood?" The older man said in a demanding and stern voice. You rolled your eyes. "Did you understand [L/N]?" He repeated. "Yea, I did." You said while scoffing quietly.

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