Chapter 13. || Strange

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You were finally sleeping after several tries. You couldn't stop your mind from thinking about.. About just everything, It caused you to stay awake and just.. stare at a blank wall for a few hours while you were deep in thought.. As usual though, it had become a bit of a bad habit actually... But luckily you managed to get some rest at last due to the tiredness taking over, besides it was a long day, you did need sleep after all.

. . .

In the middle of the night, you abruptly woke up to the sound of people talking outside your door. Your eyes shot open and an alarm suddenly went off in your head, reminding you of what happened the day the 2 guards in Smiths Grove came into your room. You would do anything to prevent that from happening again, so you took a deep breath and got ready to attack whoever would even dare lay a finger on you.

Suddenly the door was opened and you could hear a guard step inside your room. You closed your eyes, pretending you were still sleeping while your hand clenched into a fist under the covers... "Wait, this is the newbie right?" A male voice spoke, an oddly familiar voice. "Yea, what about it?" Another voice replied, this voice didn't sound familiar, he had a deep voice with a British accent. There were two male guards inside your room, what were they doing in here this late? You were sure it had to be like 4 AM right now.. 

"Let's skip this one" The familiar voice said as you could hear a faint "What?" Come from the other guard. "Come on dude it's her first night here." The other guard spoke and you suddenly realised who it was, it was the first guard you got to know, the one that led you to your room. What were they talking about?... What did they mean by skipping me? 

"Why skip her? We didn't skip any of the other new patients? She's just as bad as all these assholes inside here, she killed people and trust me she is not okay. This medicine is the only way that sick mind of hers will heal and you know that." The other guard said a little sternly. "Look, I know that but it's not good for them and you know that too. I feel like this kid isn't as bad as people told us. And besides that, we don't know how fucked up she is yet, nobody even interviewed her yet or ran any tests on her, many of the other new patients did already... What if that treatment will make her mind worse than it already is? Trust me you wouldn't want that." The familiar voice told the other guard and you could hear the man groan in annoyance. "Okay Mason, but if I'm going to get problems because of this I'm beating you up." The other guard said and sighed defeatedly. "Thanks mate." The guard.. Called Mason.. said. And then it went quiet for a second as you could hear the other guard's footsteps fade.. It seemed like Mason was the only guard left in here.

"Now come on, just because we're skipping her doesn't mean we'll get to skip everyone. We still have 20 patients, so let's get back to work." The other, still unnamed guard suddenly said, breaking the silence. "Right." Mason said. Footsteps were heard and soon after, you listened to the sound of the door shutting and being locked up again.

You opened your eyes to look at the now empty doorway. You were curious about what they were talking about. A treatment-- or medicine? One that can cause damage to a patient's mind yet heal it? Why would they give it to the patients if it can cause damage? Why did Mason skip you? You were confused and filled with a dozen questions that needed to be answered... But either way, you were happy that they didn't take you away, you were thankful the guard, now known as Mason--sort of saved you?.. You did wonder why he did that, you weren't quite the nicest to the poor guy.



[The next day]

The loud sound of something banging against the door was the first thing you heard today, your eyes opened and your head slowly turned around to face the door. A guard was standing in the doorway, banging his baton against the door to wake you up, how annoying. 

"Come on, breakfast won't be delivered to your room so if I were you I'd be quick and get the hell up to get your breakfast before you're late." The guard said with a slightly taunting tone as you groaned and sat up on your bed. "You really do love your job don't you?" You said while standing up tiredly and walking to the guard in the doorway. "Oh, I sure do." The guard said, harshly grabbing your hands and cuffing them as you let out a small annoyed scoff.

As the both of you walked quietly, you broke the silence. The man annoyed you and you just had this urge to say something to him. "The way people like you haven't gone crazy yet surprises me. How does it feel? Walking among crazy people knowing that if your mind is weak enough you'll turn into one of them too." You whispered to the man in a mocking way as you walked through the hall. "Zip it." The guard said, slightly pushing you forward as you softly chuckled in amusement. 

"Get in there and act like a normal fucking human, not some insane animal." The guard said as he walked you into the cafeteria and you rolled your eyes. You were sat down on a table and a food tray was placed in front of you. The guard looked at you one more time before walking away. You ignored the man and looked around, seeing some other patients sitting in the cafeteria. Some of them seemed oddly happy, it confused you, why were they so happy? 

As you took a bite of your food, you thought about what had happened yesterday. The strange medicine, the guards, Mason who said it would be dangerous while the other guard said it would help. Did these patients get that medicine or-- treatment or whatever it was..? Would that be why some of these patients were acting so happy all of a sudden? Even some people from Smith's Grove who had also been transported here, you hadn't ever seen most of them this happy ever before. It was like they completely forgot about the fact that they were literally in a mental hospital. 

You started to get a negative feeling about this place, what were they doing to their patients? 

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