Chapter 3. || Crazy

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You took a deep breath, a breath you were holding for quite some time.

As soon as you saw the light from the officer's flashlight shine inside through the gaps, you held your knife up, ready to strike. Right as the door opened, you jumped at him, grabbing him and stabbing him right in his neck. The other officer at the bed turned around in shock and ran over to you with his gun in his hand and a panicked look on his face. Your head slowly turned towards the other officer as the dead officer's body fell against you. "Ma'am put down the knife now! This is your last warning or I will have to shoot!" The officer said, startled by you.

You pulled the knife out of the officer's neck, letting him fall onto the ground and ran towards the other one, holding the knife up as you were ready to end the man.

Suddenly your body froze and a stinging pain was all you felt. The officer had tasered you.

You fell down to the ground and let go of the knife as your body trembled. You weakly looked up at the man now standing in front of you, as you tried to grab him. But then, you blacked out.

. . .

. . .

You were brought to the police station, they got you clean clothes, cleaned your wounds and leg that was still covered in blood throughout the event, spoke to you and checked your history... You've never done anything like this before. You had never done any harm to a living creature. They went through your phone and called some of your friends for questioning.

Your friends were shocked.

Even Sarah, your best friend couldn't look at you anymore.

It hurt. It hurt a lot to see how your best friend had acted towards you, how you had been called a murderer. You didn't think about what you were doing at that moment, your rage and anger had taken over your mind. You almost killed 2 police officers. They managed to go to the hospital and get help. But still, you almost killed them, you stabbed them and had their blood on your hands. You didn't even bother thinking about your father, you doubted he was still alive anyways. And yet, after everything you'd done, you didn't feel a thing about it, not even a little bit of guilt. You were shocked and cried while it happened, but later after everything was over, you felt nothing.

Your father deserved it. He deserved it because he was the reason for your sadness, your rage. He was the one that made your life such a living hell, that made your mother's life a living hell, and he was the one to blame for her death.

Oh, poor mother.

You can't remember much about her, you were young. But even as a young child, you knew she deserved better. Your mother was kind, gentle, and always smiling, even when your father acted like an asshole, even when he had hurt her once again. Your 8-year-old self never knew why she did that, why she always tried to smile around others while she knew that she was far from being okay. But now, years later, you understand. You understand why she did it. It was for you because all she wanted was for you to be okay, no matter how much pain she was in, you were always her top priority. She was truly an angel. 

All these years he had abused both you and your mother and nobody, literally nobody, had ever helped you. They didn't even seem to care. But when you finally did something, when you finally put an end to all the pain he gave you, you were the bad guy.

They told you you needed help. Mental help.

Yea, probably.

. . .

So you were sent to Smith's grove sanitarium. A mental hospital. The first day there was hell, you were thrown into a room with only a bed, desk, small closet and a toilet and sink in another small room. You sat in your bed the whole time as you were slowly losing all your sanity day by day. You couldn't take it, sitting in a room, doing nothing but staring at a white ceiling. It sometimes reminded you of your childhood. When you got punished by your father again or when your parents were fighting, you sat on your bed, staring at the white ceiling while doing nothing but drowning in your thoughts.

But in the meantime, your leg healed slowly. One of your nerves had been damaged so you couldn't properly walk for a while.

You decided to ask for some paper, to hopefully cure your boredom and to help you not think about the things that had happened. You spent most of your time making all sorts of paper flowers. You put them on your desk, closet etc... It was a small comfort for you, you adored flowers.

You occasionally had to talk to the doctors there. You mainly spoke with a man named Dr Samuel Loomis, a doctor who had claimed to be working there for quite a while now. He told you he'd help you heal and find peace. Yea right. Yet each time the same question was asked.

"Why did you do it?"

I did it out of anger. Out of all the anger and sadness that I had bottled up inside of me. It became too much, too much to handle. You knew it wouldn't get better anyways, you'd go to school, get picked on for the rest of your life, get laughed at by having such an ass of a dad and then go home and get hurt and yelled at by your dad, the man who caused it all.

You knew why you did it. You just never bothered to tell them anymore because all you would get was "You could've fixed it, could've gotten help, for the both of you." But you knew the so-called help they were talking about would do nothing but make it worse than it already was.



You stayed in your bed. Thinking about what you did on Halloween. At the beginning of your stay there, you sometimes started to feel guilty, thinking about how you could've actually helped him... But no, he didn't deserve that, Loomis made you feel like he did but you knew the truth about your father. He didn't love you, he didn't care if he did or didn't ruin your life. As long as he could peacefully watch tv and drink all day while everything was done for him. He didn't even care about your mother.

There was nothing to feel guilty about.

All the overthinking broke your mind more and more till you just accepted the fact that you were indeed... Crazy.


Authors note:

Very sorry for the slow updates, I'll try my best to upload one chapter a week from now on :)

I was very busy writing the other chapters which are now almost done and honestly, yall r absolutely gonna love them(Talking abt the future chapters). Keep in mind, in this story there will be a lot of mentions of traumas the reader gets or has. It also has lots of family abuse and will contain some sexual themes in the future, so just a little warning.

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