Chapter 9. || Aftermath

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The next morning you sat in a chair, waiting for Dr Loomis.

Your foot was tapping on the ground anxiously as you were deep in thought... You hoped that nothing bad would happen, nothing that could separate you and Michael... Yet you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible after what happened last night, those fucking guards could even get away with sexual harassment... But again, at the same time, you were scared, scared of having to lose Michael.

You heard a door shut and the sound of footsteps coming closer snapped you out of your thoughts, you looked up to be greeted by Loomis. "Hello [Y/N]..." Loomis sighed while sitting down on the chair in front of you. He heard about it... The look on his face told you enough. He didn't believe you, did he? He didn't believe the fact that Michael protected you and that it was the guards' fault...

The doctor held a pen in his hand, tapping it against a little notebook before he cleared his throat and started to speak. "Now [Y/N], I've heard last night's events were... Quite brutal. But I just want you to tell me exactly what happened yesterday. Tell me how you experienced it from your perspective. And keep in mind, you can tell me anything you want, even-..." The doctor hesitated to continue as his eyes moved away for a second, breaking the eye contact between the both of you. "-Even about Michael... I'm here to help you [Y/N]" He spoke, looking back at you with a little... Forced smile. Of course, that bastard wanted to know about Michael. You sighed and nodded at the man. 

"I was about to go to sleep. Suddenly my door opened and there were two drunk guards standing in front of it, Kendall and some guy named Noel." You said as Loomis nodded while staring back at you. "Did you have any interactions with them before the events of last night?" Loomis asked.

"Yeah... Kendall was always the annoying type, he used to always be weird whenever he had to come into my room, I didn't quite know the other guard though." You explained as Loomis nodded and started to write something down in the notebook in front of him. "You can go on, tell me exactly how it went." He spoke as you just gave a small nod, with a sigh. "Kendall pulled me off my bed and introduced me to this Noel guy, then they started acting weird.. Touching me. I tried to fight back but they didn't give up after I did. I was dragged to Michael's room... I didn't know it was his room at first, I was too busy trying to get out of Noel's grip. They threw me inside and I hit my head on the ground. After that fall, and that hard hit against my head, I started to feel dizzy and had this weird ringing noise in my ears for some minutes. Then they started to yell things at Michael and Noel eventually walked over to him, I didn't know what he said, the ringing in my ears got too loud. Kendall started touching me again, I tried to get him off of me but he suddenly banged my head to the ground again and I just-" You sighed and paused for a second. "Michael--" You suddenly stopped yourself. 

What if you told them you did it? What if that meant that nothing would happen to Michael? You didn't know what would happen, you could only try and hope for the best.

"Michael didn't do anything." You said firmly.  

"I-I did it. I killed them." You said unexpectedly while Loomis looked at you in shock and concern. "Michael took the blame. B-Because he didn't want me to get into more trouble. Michael pulled the guard off of me and helped me up. That's all he did." You said. 

"I killed them in my anger... Because they didn't do this just because they wanted to touch me or bring me into another patient's room to embarrass me. They choose me, and they decided to bring me to Michael's room-- And I think we both know that Michael doesn't have quite many friends here... They specifically choose me, out of all the people in here, and they went to Michael's room. Doesn't that tell you enough? They did it to annoy Michael, to piss him off and to give him more of a bad reputation if he decided to fight back." You muttered, feeling yourself get angry as you spoke.

Loomis listened in silence, quite shocked by this. He didn't know if he could believe you due to how aggressively the men had been slaughtered... Though... You did stab your father 5 times and tried to kill two officers. "[Y/N]... Are you sure that you did this instead of Michael?" He asked calmly. "Yes, I did." You said while looking at him. Loomis sighed and rubbed his head in deep thought. "Look [Y/N], as hard as it is for me to say this, I have to and it may upset you but..." Loomis hesitated to continue for a second. 

"For your own safety, health and care, we will be transporting you to another sanitarium. One that doesn't have such... Dangerous patients and workers that aren't capable of doing things that will anger those, causing things like this to happen." Loomis told as your eyebrows rose.

"Wait what? Why!? The only thing that needs to happen is to tell these stupid guards to have a bit of humanity! Instead of coming in here, a mental hospital, totally drunk and looking for problems with people who are here because of their own problems!" You snapped. You were just only getting more and more angry by this, it was just... Stupid.

"What happened to them, was deserved. They tried to rape me can't you see?! They started it and they messed with the wrong person." You said madly, slightly raising your voice.

"I get that, I really do, but there is no other way. I'm sorry it had to be like this [Y/N]. But in order for you to get help and heal normally, you have to go. And trust me, the people there will give you great care too, you'll get everything you'll need and you can go home in no time, and I'll make sure to let them keep an eye on you so nobody will ever lay a finger on you again." Loomis said as calmly as possible to reassure you that you'll be okay.

But you didn't care about that. The only thing you cared about was Michael, he had to stay here, and you had to lose him after finally getting the friendship you always wanted so desperately. Michael saved you and you just couldn't leave him after that, he showed you he cared about you. "Loomis please you can't do this, I can't go!" You said, feeling hopeless. "[Y/N]... I'm sorry, I am unfortunately not the one who made this decision." The man sighed while lowering his head.

You sighed in defeat as you started to feel that prickling feeling in your throat again. After a minute of silence, you took a deep breath and looked at the man again, "When am I going?" You asked while staring at Loomis, showing no emotion on your face, the same way Michael did. 

Loomis got slightly startled by the change of emotion on your face. "Tomorrow... 6 PM." Loomis replied. You nodded and looked away in silence... "Am I allowed to say goodbye to Michael?" You asked while looking at the ground. Loomis stayed silent for a second, thinking about whether it would be a good or bad idea... "You'll have 15 minutes to say goodbye to him tomorrow." He spoke with a small sigh and he started to grab his stuff together.

"If you don't have any questions left, we're done for today." The doctor said while two guards walked towards you. "I'll see you tomorrow [Y/N]." He waved and walked out of the room.

"Come on [L/N], Time to go back to your room." One of the guards said and grabbed your arm, forcing you to stand up while the other cuffed you and led you towards the hallway as you just remained silent.   

Devil's eyes [Michael Myers x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora