Chapter 18. || Unwanted friends

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[F/N] = Father's name

[5 days later. 5 October 2004]

You woke up to a noise. It sounded as if someone kept banging something against the wall, over and over. It started to annoy you and wake you up too. Your eyes slowly opened and you caught a glimpse of a man in a blue uniform... Once your still tired eyes gained focus you saw a guard standing in the doorway, tapping his baton against the wall.

You let out an irritated groan and turned around, rolling your body around to face the wall. "C'mon [L/N], you'll have to get breakfast in 5 minutes so if I were you, I'd get my lazy ass out of bed and go to the cafeteria as soon as possible." The guard spoke, you could hear the amusement and slight taunt in his voice. 'What is his problem?' Did he want to piss you off? You rolled your eyes and covered your head and ears with your pillow. "..Or if you're willing to skip breakfast, stay in bed. I mean- no breakfast wouldn't be the best start to my day but it's up to you." The guard said with a slightly mocking tone, making you whine in annoyance, it came out a little muffled due to you still having your face stuffed into the pillow. If you could, you'd just stay in bed the whole day. 'Not like that's basically the only thing I do though...' But still, you had to at least get something to fill your empty stomach, you didn't get that much to eat here anyway.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes.. But as you heard the guard's baton tapping on the wall again, your head shot towards him with an annoyed expression on your face. "Give me 3 minutes." You mumbled annoyedly. "Yeah, and in 3 minutes the cafeteria will be filled and the food will be gone" The guard chuckled, acting asif he had just said the funniest thing ever. You looked at him in an unamused way as a frustrated sigh left your lips. "I still gotta brush my teeth, I slept like absolute dogshit, I feel like I want to punch someone and if you stay in here tapping that fucking baton of yours I'll literally go crazy, so please, do me a favour and come back after 3. fucking. minutes." You said with your raspy and tired morning voice, now filled with irritation. The guard could clearly see you were not in the mood for this now. "3 minutes [L/N]" The guard said, rolling his eyes before walking out of your room and closing the door. You slowly stood up and walked over to the little bathroom in your room.

You turned on the faucet and looked at yourself in the mirror before washing your face and grabbing your toothbrush to brush your teeth. After 2 minutes you were done and you grabbed your hairbrush to comb your hair to at least look a bit like a normal human instead of a feral animal.  As you got out of the bathroom the door of your room was opened and the guard stood right outside. "Done I hope?" He asked. You gave him a nod, staring at him with annoyance. He walked over to you and cuffed your hands before you both started to walk out of the room, entering the long hallway and walking towards the cafeteria doors. You were led inside and to a table in the back of the cafeteria where the guard uncuffed one of your hands, leaving the other handcuffed. He grabbed a chain from the ground which was stuck to the floor and connected it with the handcuff on your hand so you couldn't get up. "Go sit, Laufrey will bring your food." The guard said. "Oh and- You know the rules, [L/N]. Don't do dumb shit" The guard added as you stared back at him and rolled your eyes in silence. He walked away and soon after, your food was placed before you. 

As you started to eat peacefully, minding your own business and ignoring everyone else around you, you noticed someone suddenly approaching you. A sigh left your lips.

"Hi" The woman in front of you spoke. "[Y/N] right?" The woman smiled and sat down on the other side of the table, facing you. "What?" You said sharply, still slightly irritated by your interaction with the previous guard. "Ahh, short fuse I see. No worries, I don't mean any harm." The woman said, sounding awfully calm. "What? What do you want?" You asked, slightly confused. "Oh, It's nothing! I just wanted to have a little chat with you." The woman replied. "Have a little chat with me?" You asked, repeating her words while squinting your eyes in slight confusion. "Yes! I just wanted to get to know you." The woman smiled. "Go away." You sighed, rolling your eyes as you took a bite of your food. You ignored the girl as she started blabbering some things to you... But all of a sudden something she said caught you off guard.

"Listen, I know you killed my father."

The woman said, sounding threatening all of a sudden. You looked at her and tilted your head, "I'm sorry what?" You asked, your brows rose and a slightly irritated smile formed on your lips. "Don't play stupid [Y/N]. I know you killed him." The woman said with widened eyes and gritted teeth, trying to seem threatening all of a sudden. You chuckled at the woman, looking into her eyes with amusement expressed on your face. "Look I don't exactly know what your problem is but I think you've got the wrong person because I don't know if you knew but- I've never actually killed someone. Yes, I've stabbed some people but they all survived. So you can't really blame me, lady. Blame it on his health- or whatever reason he died." You casually said. You knew you were right, 5 days after it happened Doctor Loomis had told you the policemen survived, and you knew your father had woken up from his coma too. You continued to eat.

"What the fuck did you just say? blame it on his health?! You fucking stabbed him to death!" The woman said, raising her voice slightly, but not too loud to alert the guards. "I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about." You said, shrugging while slightly shaking your head. "[F/N] [L/N]!" The woman said madly.

 Your eyes widened in shock as the amused smile you had on your lips faded.

 "[F/N]... How do you-" You were in shock, that was your father's name, your last name. Was this woman actually talking about your father? "Who are you?" You suddenly spoke sternly, gritting your teeth as realisation hit you. "I-Im.." The woman became quiet, her lips slightly moved as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't, not a sound left her lips. You were probably not supposed to know she was talking about your father, it probably slipped out of her because of her anger... Due to the way she stared at you, in shock. 

"Who are you..." You spoke, your breath becoming heavier the longer the woman stared at you in silence. Your thoughts began to overflow your mind now. you could feel your hands clench into tight fists as you stared at her face. You got this weird sick feeling in your stomach. Did you.. not know about something? Who was this woman?

"Answer me!" You banged your fist on the table, pure rage suddenly displaying in your eyes. The woman's eyes widened, startled by your anger. "Don't you fucking go silent on me now, tell me your fucking name! Who the fuck are you!?" You screamed at the woman as suddenly 3 guards came rushing towards your table to hold you back. The other patients in the cafeteria looked your way now, noticing your outburst. It startled them... Loud chatter and talking started to fill the room, and the sound of that started to anger you even more, it made you feel even more chaos in your mind and it felt like your head would explode any second now. The chaos and rage you felt started to consume you, it started to eat you whole. You couldn't think straight anymore, you just needed to know who she was, what she wanted from you.. And why she called your father... Her  father. Your breathing became heavier, your heart was pounding faster now and your blood was boiling.

 You needed answers.

You tried to grab her, standing up from your chair, but you were instantly held back by guards. "Don't fucking touch me!" You screamed at the guards, kicking and pushing them away from you. You turned your head towards the woman as the men held your arms in a tight grip. "If you're his child- If you're his daughter... I-I'll fucking murder you! I'll stab you just like I stabbed him. I'll stab you till every drop of blood has flowed out of your body. Do you fucking hear me!?" You screamed, letting all your anger out at the woman as the men pushed you up and yanked you away from the table. Guards came rushing into the cafeteria, trying their best to calm the startled and panicked patients as you were being dragged away from the chaos-filled cafeteria. 

"I'll fucking kill you!" You cried out before you were forced into the hallway and left the cafeteria.

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