Chapter 5. || Growing closer

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After that day, the day you spoke to Michael for the first time in years, you sat with him and tried to talk to him more often. It was quite awkward at first since Michael didn't actually talk to or had anyone interested in him for years. Well, he did, but he just didn't want to talk to any of them.

He went mute, causing it to be harder to communicate with him, yet you tried your best to. After some months Michael started to get more comfortable with you, just like when you were younger. It made you happy to see that whenever you asked him or told him something he nodded or at least tried to show that he was listening to you. 

It surprised you at first, you knew Michael wasn't like this to anyone and so had Loomis told you, Michael mostly didn't even answer or took any interest in him, even to one of the guards who was overly nice to Michael. You knew Michael was a cold-hearted killer who would probably want to kill anyone who even dares to come too close or annoy him in any way, yet he kept himself calm. Even when other patients tried to talk to him, he'd simply ignore them, having absolutely no interest in forming a friendship with any of them. You didn't blame him though, if you were stuck here for more than 10 years you'd do the same, he had probably gotten tired of this place a long time ago. But why wasn't he like that to you? Why was he only communicating with you while there are people who had been desperate to get even one small reaction out of him? you asked yourself. Was it because he knew you when you were younger? Because you were nice to him? Or were you just lucky? 

You wondered what he thought about you.

. . .

But besides your relationship with Michael, you started getting used to staying in Smith's Grove. It had already been a long time since you'd set foot out of this place, you sometimes wondered what happened to your friends, did they miss you? You also wondered how people thought of you now. Did everyone know about your murderers? Do they see you as the girl who tried to murder her father and two police officers now? You were curious, yet you couldn't find out. Not until you were out of this place at least.

You continued to mostly sit in your room and think or make things and of course, talk to your psychiatrist a few times a week. The sessions with Doctor Loomis were okay in the beginning. But ever since he had begun to talk about Michael and the way he did... Made you think differently of the man. Why was he like that to Michael? What had Michael ever done to him? You mostly asked yourself. And ever since the man started to notice your interactions with Michael and caught on how Michael was responding to you, he urged you to push Michael to use actual words, to start talking. You didn't want to. You knew Michael didn't like to talk and you thought that was fine, you didn't want to step over any of his boundaries and neither should the doctor.

You started to feel like your sessions with Doctor Loomis were becoming more of a chore rather than something that actually helped you and the 'mental state' you were in. The man kept asking about Michael and whenever he wasn't, he was just asking the same boring questions over and over again till the point you started to lie to the man to make him shut up. But you couldn't do much about it, how boring it was to talk to the doctor and how boring it was to stay in your room the whole day, you just had to deal with it.

At least you could see Michael from time to time. He was truly the only one who made your stay here a little better than it was before.

. . .

[August 2003, 3 years later ]

You were led outside by 2 guards, feeling the warm sun hit your face. You weren't allowed to fully go outside, this open place surrounded by big fences was all you could get. You didn't have that much freedom though, you still had to walk around, fully chained because the people there didn't wish for trouble among the patients or wanted any of them to escape, although it wasn't what you wished for, you had to deal with it. Breaking out of your thoughts, you looked around for Michael and finally found him sitting on a table in the shadows.

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