5. Unsmiling Eyes

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Chapter Five || Unsmiling Eyes


Mélodie ignored my insistent demands that she go see the doctor. The nightmares have been more and more frequent but her reasoning was "they were dreams. Only dreams." She wouldn't even tell me what these nightmares were. The only glimpse I got was what she muttered - or screamed - in her sleep. Each time it was something about shadows and blood.

I watched Mélodie like a hawk from the overhead walkways. It seemed her voice suffered from the stress she endured during her nightmares. The difference wasn't enough for anyone else to notice but I noticed. Mélodie is my pupil, my angel of music, if anyone was to notice a change in her voice it would be me. She hid it well, her distress. She has always been a good actress both onstage and off. Whether or not that was a good thing remained a mystery.

She came to the opera house, too.

When I say "she" I am not referring to my wife, Mélodie. When I say "she" I am referring to a different woman. A woman just as enchanting and just as beautiful as my wife, but not more enchanting or more beautiful. "She" is Christine. Christine Daaé.

She had sensed me there the day she returned. I heard the one manager say she returned because she missed being onstage. I wondered if that was the real reason or the entire reason. She knew I was still here, still breathing. She has always known. She called for me later that day, singing for her Angel of Music. I am no longer her Angel of Music.

She came to me one night long ago. The night before she got married to that boy, Raoul. She had called for me then as well, using her voice to lure me to her. Now, however, when she called for me I did not answer. I did not reveal myself to her. Why should I? She is a married woman, a mother. I am a married man and a soon to be father. I love my wife. Mélodie is my life and so is our unborn child. They mean everything to me. Christine had left me to rot in the dungeon I call my home and when she came back...

Mélodie faltered while singing her piece in the second act. She had her hand to her brow like she needed to steady her mind and swayed slightly on her feet. A couple dancers rushed to her with a glass of water which Mélodie refused. Her hardheadedness seemed to have worsened with the pregnancy. If it weren't for her stubbornness she would be resting at home like I had ordered her to and I could take care of her.

Two of the dancers talked to Mélodie in urgent whispers and I could hear Mélodie sharply deny whatever they were saying. Christine stood in the wings watching with anxious eyes and behind her Maurice pushed through the crowd of performers. He walked right onstage and over to Mélodie, taking her hand and speaking too soft for me to hear. I held onto the railing, wishing there was something I could do. Wishing I could talk to her or hear what was going on.

After a few more words from Maurice, Mélodie nodded her head and walked off stage using Maurice's arm for support. The curtain closed and the managers rushed out to announce that Christine was to finish the opera in Mélodie's place. History seems to repeat itself. Except this time I hadn't set it up so the lead singer would fall ill and have to be replaced by Christine. I wanted the original soprano to finish the opera.

Christine's voice was still pure and captivating. Hearing that voice that had bewitched me to insanity so many years ago had shocked me. I had seen Christine since we had said goodbye - or I said goodbye - at the Christmas ball Mélodie and her arranged fiancé threw last year. I had seen her, but I had not spoken to her or heard her sing. I was able to feel almost nothing. But now, hearing that angelic voice again... It left me stunned.

I watched from behind the large mirror as Maurice sat Mélodie down on a chair in her dressing room. He untied the strings of her corset and I could almost see the life return to her pale flesh the moment it was loosened. Maurice chuckled and spoke French, the native language of both him and Mélodie, "Voilà (there), I knew that would help. With your belly getting the size it is they should refit your costumes." He sat beside her and dabbed some sweat that dripped from under her wig.

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