10. A Night At The Opera Part Two

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Yet another great promo pic made by KThierry who is burdened with glorious awesomeness! xx

Chapter Ten || A Night At a The Opera Part Two


The moment Christine's voice filled the air I felt the world fall away. Her eyes remained fixed on Box Five, knowing I would be there, watching her, glued to her, bewitched by her. Her voice intoxicated me like it always has. It pulled me to her with so much force it almost knocked the breath out of me.

During intermission I had to excuse myself to clear my thoughts. Easily finding a hidden door I quickly went down to the lair. It is just as we left it, Mélodie and I. Mélodie my wife. Mélodie who brought me from darkness. Mélodie who saved me. Mélodie who loves me and cares for me. Mélodie who is carrying our child. My wife. My lover. My life.

What was I doing allowing myself to be drawn to another woman? A woman who didn't love me. A woman who left me for another man. A woman who is married to that very man and is the mother of his son.

I cannot go down this path again. I cannot succumb to the same feelings that brought me to insanity. I cannot give in to her voice.

I sat down on the bed, our bed, and covered my face with my hands. I love Mélodie. I love her with all my heart and all my soul. And she loves me, she tells me not only with words but with her actions.

The monster within me stirred. I thought he died. I thought I pushed him out. I thought I strangled him with the hands of my mind.

I'm a different man. A better man. The man I have always strived to be. Not this unfaithful gargoyle. This heartless beast. This walking corpse.


I raised my head from my hands and stared at the wall, willing myself to not look at the woman behind me.


I covered my face once more, knowing I couldn't trust myself. The bed shifted next to me as Christine sat down. My eyes were shut so tight it hurt. She laid her hand on my back and I quickly moved away, "Please, don't."

Her hand returned to her lap, her lip trapped between her teeth. The candles I had lit casted a warm glow on her ivory skin. She fiddled with the strings of her robe, "Do you not love me anymore?"

I stood up and kept facing the wall, staring at the framed drawing of Mélodie and I. I ran my hands through my hair, my voice low and harsh, "You don't want to be late for the second act."

"Angel," Christine stood and went over to me, her hand hovering over my arm, "Angel, please, I need an answer."

I closed my eyes, "I do not love you anymore." I felt frustrated, hearing the falsity in my own voice.

Christine placed her hand on my arm and turned me to face her. Her brown eyes pleaded up at me, "Is that the truth?"

My breathing became heavy as I tried to fight down the dark creature struggling inside me. She looked so beautiful. Not a flaw on her skin. Not a wrinkle or a freckle. I fell deep into her brown eyes, her pink lips slightly parted. I wondered if they still tasted as sweet as they did ten years ago. She reached up and touched my face and the monster broke free.

She gasped as I roughly pressed her against me, our lips crashing together. She was small beneath me, my hands tangling in the sheets beside her head as I pushed her further up the bed. Our tongues struggled for dominance, Christine's hands desperately holding onto my jacket. One of her hands ran up my back and to my neck. I felt something scrape against my flesh. Her ring.

The Angel's Shadow || The Phantom of the Opera || Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now