25. I Am No Angel

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A/N: "Another James song, Mabelle? Really?" I know, I know, but this song is so pretty and perfect for Erik. XD I thought this song kind of applies to both Christine and Mélodie and how Erik is feeling about them. Or maybe I'm over thinking it...or maybe I just really like this song...or maybe all of the above....

Chapter Twenty Five || I Am No Angel

"And in her arms you can't remember, the pain you used to feel. And now the world's not too unkind. And every doors not made of stone. But when the dawn comes and you awaken...you're still alone..." ~ Reflection from A Tale of Two Cities

Third Person

They handed Mélodie's baby girl to her soon after she was born. With her baby in her arms, Mélodie kept still and slack, her eyes never drifting to the small child wailing in her arms; a look of blankness and tired disinterest on her pale, weary face.

The women in her room watched as the new mother made no attempt to console her crying child and wondered if Mélodie wanted the baby at all, only to shun themselves right afterwards for thinking such a cruel and heartless thought. What mother wouldn't want her new baby? Especially one as precious as the baby girl laying in Mélodie's arms now.

The ladies moved to a different thought, thinking Mélodie was only tired. Why wouldn't she be after such a strenuous task as childbirth? So Violette took the weeping child in her arms, trying her best to comfort the lonely baby while she left the room and shut the door to block out the tranquil house.

Except Mélodie didn't sleep; the pain in her head too much to ignore and the voices too loud to shut out. How unfortunate there was no door to shut out the pestering demons inside her head. So, without moving, she sat alone in the darkness of her temporary room, feeling drained and hollow.

A baby girl. The voice echoed in her tired head. Not a boy.

At 1:09 in the morning Dantes paced his room, gnawing on his thumbnail to relieve the frustration he felt.

"Damn him." He thought, "Damn him for not coming."

There was a soft knock on his open door, making him stop in his tracks.

"May I come in?" Violette awkwardly stood in the doorway, peering over at Dantes with unsure eyes.

It took a moment for Dantes to process her request. He stared at her with a blank look on his face, realizing that, with the chaos of his niece's birth, this is the first time actually seeing Violette in over three months. When her sentence finally sunk in, Dantes softly shook his head to clear it, a smile filling in the blank expression, "Yes, of course. Come in."

Fleur turned down the hallway just as Violette stepped into Dantes' room. With a tray of water in her hands, she watched the red headed woman enter the room of the man she recently fell in love with. Along with her new feelings of love, another foreign emotion swelled up inside of the innocent girl: Jealousy. Who is this red headed woman entering Dantes's room? What right does she have entering the king's bedroom? What right does Fleur have entering the king's bedroom? Not that she would do such an improper thing as entering a man's room...

Fleur crept closer to the half opened door, remaining near the wall to remain undetected. From there, Fleur heard Dantes speak to the stranger, "You didn't write back."

Fleur glanced up at the hallway mirror, seeing the reflection of the red haired woman smile and fiddle with her fingers. This stranger replied, "Oh, yes. I apologize. I meant to and then I...I forgot."

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