14. An Unspoken Farewell

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Chapter Fourteen || An Unspoken Farewell


The one entrance to the lair that I knew of was surprisingly unlocked. Checking all directions to ensure the hidden door remained a hidden door, I pushed it open, firmly shutting it behind me. My footsteps echoed in the dark hallway, making it impossible for anyone to show up in the lair by surprise.

Reaching the "living room" of my sister's old home I saw her bent over, her head turning sideways when she heard my footsteps. Straightening from her bent over position she smiled at me, "Oh good you're here. Come help me with my things." Now that she stood erect she no longer blocked the view of one of her trunks. It sat open like a greedy mouth waiting for more food to be stuffed into it. Stepping closer I saw a few of Mélodie's belongings were already neatly set inside.

Confused, I peered through the bedroom doorway at Mélodie who shuffled around in her mahogany dresser, "You do know I'm leaving today, right?"

She blew a stray strand of hair from her face and returned to her trunk with a folded cape, "Yes I know. I'm coming with you."

Mélodie had shut her trunk and grabbed her purse by the time I snapped out of my shock, "You're...you're coming with?"

Mélodie pulled on her gloves, the pleasant smile never leaving her face, "Have you gone deaf, brother?"

"B-but Erik didn't say a word about it when I left this morn-"

"Did I say Erik is coming with us? Do check your hearing, Dantes." She walked past me and I remained rooted to the ground, flabbergasted.

Halfway up the stairs she stopped and faced me, "Come, Dantes. We'll miss the boat. You have someone to fetch my trunk, correct?"

She's gone mad. Utterly and completely mad. My mouth moved as I tried to find words to accompany it.

My sister clicked her tongue and pushed her purse higher up her forearm, "Stop imitating a gasping fish and come on!"

Tripping over the first few steps I made my way went up the staircase, my eyes remained fixed on my ill sister, "Does Erik know you're leaving Paris?"

She started ascending the stairs again, casually talking over her shoulder, "Why should I report to Erik?"

"He is your husband. You are his wife. You're about to leave the country with his child. It only makes sense that he should know about it." I now went up the stairs two at a time to catch up with her.

"Erik has another child and another woman here. He won't even notice my absence or the absence of his unborn second child. Quickly, Dantes! Your carriage driver still needs to get my trunk! We'll be late!"

"Antoinette." I held her arm and whipped her around. Another wave of shock hit me when I saw her face. The tone of her voice had sounded so impassive that her wet face came unexpected, knocking the ability to speak out of me. She kept her brown eyes to the floor as more fat tears dripped from her chin.

For a moment she looked just like our mother. I remembered the way she tried to remain strong, the way she kept herself guarded. She was the queen. That meant there wasn't any time for personal emotions. Only matters of the country. I remembered how unhappy she used to be.

"Mélodie, look at me." The muscles in her neck were tight as she tried to stop herself from crying. It was our mother staring back at me when Mélodie finally raised her head. My hand slid down her arm to hers and I held it tight, "Mélodie, you can't just leave."

She took in a sharp breath as she tried to hold down a sob, "Dantes, please, I can't stay here. He is in everything. I hear him in my head, I see him in the shadows. My mind can't take anymore of it."

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