22. Four Days. Just Four Days.

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Chapter Twenty Two || Four Days. Just Four Days.

WARNING: Due to uncountable requests *glares at all of you*, there will be explicit content in this chapter.


"Are you sure you're okay to go?"

"Dantes, I'll be fine! Quit worrying and grab my purse! The Vallette family is waiting for us!"

I slid my white lace gloves on, wiggling my fingers within the delicate webs of thread while I waited for Dantes to get my purse. He walked around my bed with my purse in his hands and uncertainty wrinkling his forehead, "Are you sure? I can still tell the Vallette family that we aren't going - that we can't go. I'm sure they'll understand."

I let out an exasperated groan and snatched my purse from his hands, "Dantes, you worry more than Erik does! Erik drove me insane with his worrying and now you are, too! I'm perfectly fine!" Just then the baby kicked hard against my abdomen, causing me to stop and grab the back of a chair for support. My brother raised a skeptical eyebrow at me and I glared at him, "Say nothing and you won't go deaf by my yelling."

Dantes whistled and followed me out of my room, "Pregnancy has made you irritable."

"No, you have made me irritable with your pointless worrying." I remained at least two steps ahead of him down the hallway, adjusting the purse on my arm as I walked.

Dantes' footsteps echoed as rapidly as I'm sure his heart was, "I'm only worried because your contractions are becoming more intense. The doctors say you shouldn't travel."

I rolled my eyes, "Damn the doctors. What do they know anyways? If they knew as much as they say they do your father wouldn't have died of lung cancer."

"They're doctors, not God."

"Exactly. Thank you for finally agreeing with me. Versailles here we come." I kept my fast pace and turned down one of the many hallways.

I heard Dantes groan and run his hand over his face in frustration, "Mél, you're as stubborn as our mothe-"

"Fleur!" I cut my brother off and stopped just inside the main lobby, spreading my arms wide to greet Fleur. She had been standing by one of the couches, her back to the double doors and her head down while she chewed on the tips of her rose colored gloves.

At the sound of my voice she raised her head, the crease in her forehead vanishing when she saw me by the door, "Madame Mélodie!" Fleur rushed over to me and embraced me tight, minding the baby in between us. Pulling back I mirrored her smile, noticing how she was purposely avoiding Dantes' gaze. I chose to remain blind to her coldness, keeping the smile on my face when Fleur asked innocently, "Are we ready to go?"

I looked from Fleur to my brother, smiling brightly when I saw his disgruntled face, "I think so." I tried my best not to giggle as he very visibly tried to hide his annoyance at me. "Are we ready, dearest brother?"

He glanced at Fleur, trying even harder to mask his peeved expression so Fleur wouldn't notice. Attempting a pleasant smile he said, "Apparently we are." He extended his left arm towards the door and bowed slightly, "After you, ladies." He lowered his head, more in defeat than politeness. Fleur walked past him with her head high and her eyes straight forward. As I went by my brother he raised his head and glared at me, utterly irritated at his defeat. I only kissed his cheek, keeping the bright smile of victory on my face.

Fleur's parents had been waiting for us in their carriage, meeting us with a warm smile as we climbed inside. We sat quite tightly, despite the largeness of their extravagant coach. Naturally Fleur called out to sit next to me before anyone could suggest she sit next to my brother. If Dantes hadn't been so guarded we would have probably heard him sigh, for his face indicated he felt enough disdain to do so.

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