|26. Her story .|

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Seven years back:

"I literally can't believe he just said that to me." My bestie Sanae was mad at her boyfriend Imran again .

I just rolled my eyes at her .

Allah give me patience with this girl!

"You should not have gotten in a relationship with him if you're so inpatient !" I glared at her because she has been nagging the whole time.

"Inayah stop acting like an old woman you're litteraly seventeen act like a seventeen year old !" Sana sighed annoyed at my behaviour.

But it wasn't my fault , being the daughter of the ambassador who had a great position in the country wasn't easy. My mother was my father's pawn , I always had to act older than my age and be very careful even in my own home .

I was used to travelling the whole year but during summer I'd go back to my mother land , and this summer wasn't different .

I just got here a few weeks ago and this is the only time that I feel free from the fake act and the fake me .

Here I could just be the real Inayah .

And no one could take that from me.

"Are we still going to the dinner party at their house?" I asked her because he invited us .

"Yes of course we're going!" She wiggled her eyebrows at me .

"In fact let's get ready now so we won't be late." She added .

"Yes sir ." I got up from the bed and got ready for the party.

"We are getting you a boyfriend tonight baby." Sana cheered but I just rolled my eyes.

Boys have never been my thing, but even if they were my dad would never allow it.

So I just convinced myself that it was impossible.

"I don't want to."

"Oh shut up." She sighed and we started getting ready


I was sitting alone at the pool since Sana decided to ditch on me to go with Imran and "sort things out" knowing well they are out there doing unholy stuff.

I was alone enjoying my time and the nice summer breeze .

I saw someone approaching me from the other side .

I prayed to Allah that it wasn't that weird guy that Sanae wanted to set me up with .

But to my surprise it wasn't, it was a beautiful guy , he looked a few years older than me . He was so beautiful MashALLAH I was mesmerised.

"What are you doing here?" His rude deep voice interrupted my drooling session.

"Uhm having my alone time? In fact you just ruined it for me ." I evilly smiled at him hiding my nervousness.

"Get up!" He gritted his teeth.

"Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to do? Do you even know who I am?"

I started to feel very offended by his behavior so I wanted to scare him off by the fact that I'm the ambassador's daughter.

"Do you know who I am?" He answered me with the same question.

"Nothing can beat that I'm the ambassador's daughter dude." I sassily answered.

He got close to me , dangerously close making me feel weird things.

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