|40. Broken heart |

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Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions guys.


Silya was walking back home alone. She couldn't believe that he left her there.

It was evident in his facial expression that he didn't care about her or her feelings and she hated that she let him kiss her.

She forgot why she was married to him in the past weeks, how can she? The monster married her to get her father's money and revenge on Asad.

Just because he had repented doesn't mean she should let him in her heart. Her heart is loyal to someone else and always will be.

She reached the house and his car was already there. She kicked it with all the power she had in her. She hit the car continuously until she broke down crying on the cold floor.

She felt like a mess.

After a few minutes on the ground, she got up and walked into the house.

It was quiet and dark. She hated the vibe.

She walked upstairs towards their room to get her pj's so she can sleep in the other room. There is no way she could sleep next to him after this incident.

God knows what he might try to do to her.

I'm not Asad. His words rang in her head.

He wasn't as violent and ruthless as Asad that she couldn't deny, but still she listened to her demons

She walked into the room and it was a mess. Everything was shattered on the ground and there was glass everywhere. It looked like a tornado has occurred here.

But what got her attention was him sitting on the floor, breathing heavily with bruised knuckles.

Her breath hitched at this sight, she never saw him like this and she was worried.

Silya stop caring about him he manipulated you

Her inner voice told her and this time she listened. She walked past him to the closet to take her pj's.

Junayd was staring at the ground this whole time, his rage wasn't fur filled yet. It wasn't rage but it was more pain and he didn't know how to let it out other than through aggression. He was messed up and she has messed him more up.

Her words repeated in his head like a broken radio.

After he saw her he knew what to do.

It took him a while to accept the reality and take this decision that will send him to the depths of pain.

But he had to so she at least could be happy. He has never been so selfless before but when she came along he let everything go just to love her and she deeply hurt him.

"Pack your stuff and go back to your so-called love." He uttered in his emotionless tone.

Silya turned to look at him not believing what he had just said to her.

"What?" She was confused. He had just kissed her and confessed to her but now he is bitter all of a sudden as if nothing had happened.

If anyone should be mad now it was her not his selfish ass.

"I said pack your shit and go back to him." This time he gritted his teeth and his voice laced with venom.

She stood still in her place not moving. Can she go back to Asad?

Her heart started pounding, she didn't care about how he worded that phrase but all she could care about now was going back to him.

Her epic love.

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