Chapter 9....

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"Are we going to talk about how hot he is?" Tory came up beside me and whispered. I didn't even have to ask who she was talking about. The moment Tory and Edith came into the store this morning and saw Logan standing in the kitchen they froze where they were. Even Edith, who is happily married, made a comment about how attractive Logan was.

We've been open four hours and the entire time Tory and Edith have been acting like school girls. Looking at Logan and then giggling between themselves. A tray that Edith has carried a hundred times she had Logan come help her. I'm pretty sure Logan knew what they were doing too.

All of it had me rolling my eyes but even I kept glancing over at him. Trying my damnedest not to stare too long at the way his forearm muscles flexed every time he kneaded dough or moved around the kitchen like he belonged in it.

I understood Tory and Edith's ogling but didn't mean I liked it. A part of me didn't like the way women seemed to fawn and throw themselves at him. After the first five customers did that I moved him to the back. Was it petty...yes but I didn't care.

"He's way too old for you."

"So, doesn't mean I can't enjoy the view." Tory sent me a wink. Not having a response to her comment I left her and Edith to take care of the front as I went to the back.

I leaned against the doorway watching Logan as he grabbed a sheet of cookies coming from the oven.

"You know if you keep this up I'm going to have to hire you." I joked. Logan looked over at me, the corner of his lip lifting.

"I'm quite expensive." My eyes widened slightly at the small joke he made, probably the first joke he's ever made with me.

"If I include daily desserts will that lower your price?" I questioned making my way over to him.

"Hm I could be open to negotiations." I fought back a smile at his response. 

We lapsed into silence as we worked together. I decided to just forget about what happened this morning. Not that anything actually happened. But there was no point in stressing over it or wondering what could have happened if the coffee pot hadn't gone off. I chalked it up to both of us being tired.

There was no way I was going to let myself think anything could happen between Logan and I. He made that very clear years ago. So while it was kind of hard working beside him, it was also kind of nice. I was seeing him in a totally different light than before.

"So how did you learn to bake?" I found myself asking after a bit. This morning I had walked him through what we had at the bakery and how to do some stuff, thinking I would just have him help me make cookies; something simple. But after a little bit he was making almost all the desserts. He had to have known how to bake a little.

"My mom actually taught me." Logan answered shocking me. I wasn't actually expecting him to answer my question. He usually veers the conversation away from himself or his family. Hiding my surprise I kept working on the pies in front of me.

"Oh really?"

"I'd come home from football practice and she'd insist we make some sort of dessert before I did my homework. So everyday we had something completely different." His voice took a different tone as he talked about his mom. Something about it reminded me of how I talked about my own parents. Almost...withdrawn?

I didn't want him to stop talking but I had a feeling his moment of sharing was about to close.

"I bet she loved that." I said softly.

"She did." That signaled the end of his sharing but I was actually over the moon he shared as much as he did.

While I was glad he shared, it only made me more curious about him and what his life is like.

* * * * * * * * * 

"Do you normally work this long?" Logan questioned as we said bye to our last customer of the day. It was nearing four o'clock again and we were basically sold out of everything.

This afternoon was insane. Person after person came into the shop eagerly wanting to buy tons of stuff and some even put in special orders for Christmas. It was constant, with being in the back with Logan baking stuff and helping up front with Tory and Edith. Finally around 3 I stopped the ovens and stopped baking, only selling what we had. Even then more people came so I finally just put the closed sign on the door.

"Not usually. Typically I'll stop baking around noon and we'll sell until about 2 but with the holidays I decided to extend hours a bit." I explained, wiping my hand across my forehead and cheeks. I was beat. Every part of me ached right now.

Logan went quiet making me look over at him. He was already staring at me making me feel self-conscious.


It was just the two of us since I sent Tory and Edith home about twenty minutes ago. I told Logan he was free to leave to but he insisted on helping me clean up like last night. I wasn't going to admit it out loud but I was grateful he was going to stick around. The kitchen looked like a bomb went off.

Logan took a step towards me, my head tilting back so I could see his face. I don't think I can ever get over how much taller he is than me. Add in the fact that my head was probably as big as his bicep. He could squish me like a bug if he really wanted. It was times like these that I was reminded that Logan James was a trained killer in the military.

I watched, transfixed, as he brought his hand up. I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing as I felt his thumb brush against my cheek. His fingers were rough and soft at the same time. No doubt from using his hands all the time.

His thumb continued on brushing my cheek as he stared down at me. My lips parted and my chest heaved, brushing ever so slightly against his chest since he was standing so close. My entire body was frozen, my hands limp at my sides.

"You had flour on your cheek." His voice came out in a husky whisper. If the counter wasn't already at my back I'm pretty sure I would be a heap on the floor right now.

Logan stayed where he was for another second, his hand not moving as he peered down at me. A whole minute passed of us just staring at one another before he eventually stepped back. My mouth was dry as I swallowed.

"Uh...thank you." My voice came out in a croak making me wince. Yeah that was so not attractive. Not sure what to do with myself I pointed towards the kitchen. "I uh...better get started on cleaning up."

Without another word I slipped past him to the kitchen. My legs like jello with every step. I had to force myself not to look over my shoulder at him. But as I got to work on cleaning I could still feel the phantom touch of his hand touching my cheek. 


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