Chapter 11...

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"What has you all so pissed off about?"

"Nothing." I grunted as I threw another fist at the bag in front of me. Eddy, who owned the gym I was in, leaned against the bag next to me.

"Apparently it's something if you've been here over two hours." I ignored him and kept swinging. Sweat rolled down my neck and my arms felt like jello but I kept on going. Anything to get the thought of a certain blonde out of my head.

"I'd place my bet it's a woman." Eddy continued. "I bet she a young hot thing." Eddy talking about Olivia like that pissed me the fuck off.

Shoving the bag I turned and took a threatening step towards him.

"Want to say that again?" No one gets to talk about Olivia like that. Ever.

"Chill man I was only saying it to get a reaction." He put his hands up. "So it is a girl."

"Fuck off." I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. All I wanted was to get Olivia out of my head, even for just an hour.

The girl occupied my thoughts more than I cared to admit. Then again it is my fault. My dumb ass showing up every day at her bakery to help like some sort of stalker. I spent all week side by side with her for hours on end. No wonder she was stuck in my head.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what? That I'm spending my days with my best friends little sister? That I am willingly baking just so I can be around her?" The words flew from my mouth on their own.

I had no one to talk to about Olivia. I couldn't talk to my best friend. I can't go up to Knox and be like 'Hey I'm spending time with your sister, hope you don't mind. Oh and she's constantly in my head'. Fuck no.

I may be Knox's best friend but he would still beat the shit out of me for even thinking of his little sister.

"Damn. Knox's little sister?" Eddy whistled. "She's what now? 21?"

"25." I punched the bag once more. Olivia was 25 for gods sake. She was still so young. Even though nothing about her screamed her age. She was way more mature than anyone her age, hell more mature than I was at 25 that's for sure.

I've known Olivia since she was 17. From the moment I met her I knew I was in deep trouble. Those green eyes had stared up at me with such intensity it almost knocked me off my feet. She looked so innocent yet broken. I knew she had experienced things in her life that she shouldn't have. Her parents passing so suddenly and tragically would break anyone, let alone a 17 year old. Especially when they were all she had while her brother was deployed.

I liked the way she looked at me; then and now. She looked at me and saw a different Logan. The Logan I wanted to be. Not the Logan who was a Sniper in the Marines. Who's more damaged than she'll ever realize.

"I don't really see the problem here. Does she not like you?" My mind flashed back to the night three years ago. I inwardly winced at the memory that I've shoved far back in my head. After what happened that night I highly doubt she liked me like that.

"Doesn't matter. She's off limits." As she should be. She didn't need someone like me in her life. She needed  someone who could give her everything she could ever want. That someone wasn't me.

"Yeah, good luck with that one. If she's as stunning as she was when she was younger you're in trouble." Eddy patted me on the back and walked off.

He wasn't wrong. Somehow in the last three years she's even more beautiful. She's really grown into herself and was no longer the young cute teenager. The fact she already has her own bakery was so impressive. There are people twice her age that haven't done anything remotely as impressive as her at 25.

She's one of the hardest workers I've probably met. This past week has shown me that. I mean who shows up to work 3 hours early and sends everyone home while she stays late to clean? She needed more workers that's for sure, but the ones she has hired do a great job and they seem to love Olivia as their boss.

As I continued on punching the bag my mind thought back to yesterday at the Veteran Center. When I offered to go with her I hadn't even thought about what I was agreeing to. All I knew in that moment was I didn't want to leave her just yet. And when Olivia's eyes light up at my offer I couldn't find it in me to take it back.

My lips wanted to tug into a smile as I thought of her worrying about me before we went inside. I knew what the VA was and who came there. I knew a lot of the men and women that went to the VA were missing parts of themselves.

At first I truly didn't want to go in. I didn't want to see fellow servicemen that had endured some of the same things I have. Didn't want them to look into my eyes and see the broken man that I am. But the fact that Olivia was worried for me and offered to go in alone, I didn't hesitate in following her inside.

I was fully expecting us to walk in, drop off the boxes and leave. I hadn't realized that Olivia knew everyone and everyone knew her. She was practically famous among the VA visitors. Watching the way she lit up when she walked into the room no part of me was disappointed in tagging along with her.

Even after I had been introduced to others by Cyrus I kept finding myself seeking Olivia out. Watching her as she moved around the room, greeting people and hugging them like long lost friends. There were people bound to wheelchairs or missing limbs and Olivia didn't even bat an eyelash.

Throughout the day I kept one eye on her, impossible to really look away. Even when some of the men joked with me about her, I still couldn't tear my gaze off of her. She truly was one of the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.

Groaning under my breath at the way my thoughts went I punched the bag hard enough it vibrated up my arm. I needed to keep away from Olivia. Keep my distance before I did something stupid.

But I remembered I agreed to go to Christmas with her, Knox and Aubrey's family. Fuck this was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Surprise! A Logan POV! Thought it was about time we saw a little bit of what's going on in his head. My poor baby Logan has a lot more going on then we know :(
Loved seeing all the comments last chapter about a Logan POV and secretly knowing there's one next.

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