Chapter 9

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Harlan and Co. was a small building just on the edge of Stratford. The name was printed on the building with two vans parked next to the building. Charlie exited her car and walked inside.

A secretary sat at the front desk, typing away at the keyboard. "Hello, I'm looking for Kane Harlan," Charlie said, flashing her badge, "it's police business."

The woman nodded, "Mr. Harlan, there's someone here to see you," she said into an intercom on her desk.

"Send them up," came the gravelly reply. Charlie took the stairs up to a second level. She walked to the last door, a name plate on the door.

Kane Harlan

Founder and CEO

Charlie knocked before entering the room. A man looking to be in his late fifties sat behind a huge wooden desk. He had thinning hair and glasses perched on his nose.

"Hello, I'm Kane Harlan," he said, standing to shake Charlie's hand.

"I'm Detective Frendsen from the Stratford Police Department," Charlie said, "I'm looking for a missing person and I would like to ask you about a security system you installed a couple weeks ago."

"What's the name?" Mr. Harlan asked, logging into his computer.


"Lovely couple." He muttered under his breath. "The system was installed by a newbie. If something's wrong with the system, you'll have to talk with him."

"Actually, I believe there is some missing footage."

"You'd have to talk with our tech team. Their offices are the first door when you come into the building. You'll need to talk with Bryan Moss." Mr. Harlan said.

Charlie thanked Mr. Harlan before she exited the room, waking back to the reception. She quickly asked the woman at the front desk for instruction before heading down a hallway to the left of the door. Charlie knocked and the door swung open. The room was filled with cubicles, someone sitting at each one.

A man approached Charlie. "Hello, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Bryan Moss," Charlie said.

"Yo! Bryan! Someone's here to see ya!" The man called out. A couple seconds later, they were joined by a young man. He looked to be on his early twenties at most.

"I'm Bryan," he said.

"I'm Charlie Frendsen with the Stratford Police Department, I need to ask you a few questions about a security system." Charlie said.

"What's the name on it?" Bryan asked.


"Ya, I know that one. Johnson installed that one. He's new and is out on a job right now if it's the setup." Bryan said.

"Actually, I believe there is missing footage from the tape," Charlie said. "The tape doesn't add up with Mr. Domen's recollection of the night." Charlie explained.

"Well, I can give you the footage we have. If there was something done about it, it could be anyone in this office." That wasn't helpful. Just looking at the office, Charlie knew she didn't have time to find the person who did this.

"Can I see the footage?" Charlie asked.

"Follow me." Bryan led her to a room made of glass walls. There were blinds that could be pulled down and a long table was in the middle of the room. Bryan logged onto a computer before placing it in front of Charlie.

It began the same. Charlie watched, but her eyes widened when she saw the figure outside Courtney's window. Once Courtney saw the figure, it moved away. "This wasn't on Mr. Domen's video." Charlie said, "I'll need to take this in as evidence."

Bryan nodded, "if the feed is different, I'd talk with Johnson."

"Thank you very much." Charlie said. She left the cubicles and walked to the reception. "I need to know where Johnson is." Bryan hadn't given her a last name, she hoped the secretary would know who she was talking about.

"Johnson hasn't been in since yesterday." Charlie's suspicion grew.

"May I get his address?" The secretary turned over the address and Charlie left after thanking her.

She had just entered her car when she got a call. "Frendsen," she said, not looking at who was calling.

"Did you find anything?" Finn asked.

"I got an address from a worker that installed the system. The footage they have is different from the one Jayden showed us. There was someone there."

Finn sighed, "and where's this installer?"

"Hasn't been to work since yesterday. I'm headed to his address right now." Charlie said.

"You are taking backup right?" Finn asked.

"I'm just going to check on him," Charlie said.

"Charlotte," shivers ran down Charlie's spine at the sound of her full name rolling off Finn's lips. "You are taking backup."

It was a suggestion or a question. It was a demand. "Gotta go," Charlie said quickly. She hung up the phone before she looked at the address again.

Charlie drove for twenty minutes before she pulled up to an empty parking lot. It was an abandoned video store. Charlie quickly called backup before scoping out the area. The place seemed empty.

Police cars arrived and they entered the store. "There was nothing," an officer said.

"Go back to Harlan and Co., see if you can find out what kind of car this guy drives or anything else to help us locate him." Charlie said. The officer nodded before running off.

Charlie headed back to the station. They needed to find this guy. A call from the officer came thirty minutes later. "Link Johnson. He was hired two weeks ago. He drives an old black 2005 Honda Insight." The officer read off the license plate they got from video footage.

"Let's put an APB on this car, we need it found," Charlie said. Finn walked into the station that moment.

"Anything at the address?"

"A fake. Some abandoned movie stores. We got a car and a license plate though. We will find him. Uncle is contacting the surrounding areas to be on the lookout for this car." Charlie said. She yawned. She had been up all night with little sleep. She needed coffee badly.

"Why don't you get some rest? You've been up for hours," Finn suggested.

"I'll be fine. I just need to find Courtney." Charlie said.

"You've got this entire station looking for her and the surrounding areas, they will be okay if you take a little break to catch up on some much needed sleep." Finn said. He placed his arm around Charlie and led her out of the station. Charlie protested weakly, allowing Finn to place her in his car.

"I have to help look," Charlie said.

"Tell you what. We will drive around looking for this car. You sleep and I'll wake you if I see anything remotely suspicious." Finn compromised.

Charlie would've argued more, but her eyes had already begun to droop. She was losing the battle to stay awake. "Just make you wake me up," she mumbled out before the darkness fully claimed her.

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