Chapter 22

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Charlie didn't know when she next awoke. She felt disoriented. Her vision was hazy for a moment until she blinked away the dizziness. She pushed herself up from the seat. She noticed her phone was gone. Brody was driving. He noticed her waking up and smiled.

"Good morning," he greeted. "You slept for quite some time. We are already in Wyoming. I didn't think that drug would knock you out that much."

"Where are we going?" Charlie asked. She didn't want to begin freaking out and tried to stay calm.

"We are going home," Brody said. He talked as if Charlie was a child.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"Charlie, we belong together. When you left, I hated you. I always wanted you to be mine and stay with me in Califronia. But you had to leave. You had to return to Texas. I tried to meet you there, but instead I found your twin. Its not my fault you never told me about her. When I took her, I realized she had taken a pregnacy test." Brody said.

"You thought I was pregnant with your child?" She asked.

Brody nodded, "I was so happy, we were going to be a family. Then I realized she had a husband and child. I realized she wasn't you. You can't blame me, you both look very similar. After that, I had no use for her."

"You kidnapped Courtney?" Charlie asked. "What about the man we found with Courtney?"

"My cousin. He is very loyal. He believes I will bail him from prison. Truth be told, I have no such plans. He will rot in that cell." Brody said. "You and I will go back to California and we wil begin our life together."

Charlie felt herself still reeling from the new information she had. Brody wasn't a suspect in her book. They had broke up weeks before she had left and he hadn't tried to make contact once. "Why did you wait?" Charlie asked. There was a two week period in between the breakup and when Charlie moved.

"I thought you would come back to me. I wanted you to make that decision for yourself, but then you didn't, and you left. I caught a flight down to Texas and tried to find you. I had arrived before you and met your sister. Seems I wasn't the only one who made a mistake." Brody flipped the blinker on and moved over lanes as if he hadn't just said any of that.

"Where are we?" Charlie asked.

"Wyoming. I figured that boyfriend of yours would be coming after you." Brody said the word as if it was a huge joke. "I wanted to put as much space between us as I could. You are much better with me."

Charlie pushed herself against the back of the seat. She needed to escape. Attacking Brody or trying to escape while on the road wasn't the best idea. Both could harm Charlie in the act. Charlie would have to wait until he stopped.

Charlie's eyes drifted the gas guage. A half tank. Charlie hoped that half tank would run out quickly. She needed to make her escape as soon as possible. She only hoped it would work. From what she could tell, Brody wasn't armed. She didn't want to find out the wrong way. Looking out the window, Charlie tried to find out where they were in Wyoming.

'Cheyanne 5 miles'

Charlie looked at the clock. It was just past midnight. It was still dark outside and the only light on the road was the car's headlights and the lights on the side of the road. Charlie leanded back and kept her eyes on Brody. He wouldn't be able to make it to California on half a tank. She was counting on stopping soon.


Six hours later they finally stopped. They had entered Utah and stopped in Salt Lake City. They both had kept silent throughout the time. Charlie was aching to get out of the car. Brody pulled to a stop outside a Flying J. Charlie took this as her opportunity and opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Brody asked.

"I just need to use the restroom," Charlie replied. She hoped it was enough to get away. Brody gave her a soft smile. It could've been seen as kind and loving if he hadn't kidnapped her.

"Okay, just hurry. We want to get back on the road." Charlie nodded and rushed inside the gas station. A couple of customers roamed around. Charlie made her way to the front desk.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked. Shelia, the nametag said.

"I need help." Charlie said. "I need to get a phone. I've been kidnapped by that man." She pointed to where Brody was still filling up the car. Shelia's eyes widened. "I need to call the police."

"Come with me. I'll hide you while I get the police." She moved towards the back of store and Charlie followed. They entered the backroom. "I'll keep him away while we wait for the police." Shelia handed her phone to Charlie.

Shelia left and Charlie immediately dialed 911. "911, whats your location?" The operator asked.

"I'm in a Flying J off of the Salt Lake City I-15 exit. I have been kidnapped by my ex-boyfriend. My name is Charlie Frendsen." Charlie said. She didn't know how good Shelia was at distracing, but she didn't want to tempt fate.

"Okay, are you near your captor?" The operator asked.

"No, I'm inside the gas station. The worker here is distracting him." Charlie replied.

"Okay, Charlie, I am sending an officer to your location. Stay hidden from sight and wait until help arrives." The operator said. Charlie stayed on the phone with the operator until Shelia arrived back in the room.

"An officer just came. He wants your statement." She said. "Your ex is spouting lies." Charlie stood and moved towards the door. Shelia stopped her, "here, just in case." She handed Charlie a small pocket knife.

Charlie moved outside. Brody stood by the car, speaking with an officer. Charlie noticed the six other officers. "She's just crazy. We are trying to go home. She forgot her medicine." Brody said.

"Officer," Charlie greeted.

"Are you Charlie Frendsen?" The officer asked.

"I am." Charlie replied.

"We are going to need to take you to the station to get your statement. Is there anyone I should call?" The officer asked.

Charlie wanted to say Finn, but she knew Robert's name would hold more weight. "Robert Frendsen, the chief in Stratford, Texas." Although stratford was small, the title of chief would carry some weight.

"Alrighty. You can ride with Officer Smith and Officer Johnson." The officer motioned towards two officers. "Let's get to the station and I'll call your contact."

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