Chapter 11

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Charlie opened the door as Courtney walked in. Everything had been cleared out from the police and things were back in their place. Courtney walked in and looked around. Amanda ran into the house, going into each room.

"I'm glad to be home," Courtney said.

"We are all glad to have you back," Jayden said, placing a kiss on his wife's forehead. Charlie smiled at the picture the couple set. She felt an ache in her heart. Although she didn't want Jayden, she wanted the companionship that marriage brought.

"Well, I better get going," Charlie said. "I'll see y'all later." Courtney and Jayden said their goodbyes before Courtney headed to the nearest bar. She needed to get her mind off of everything. She needed to relax.


Four shots, one Bloody Mary, and one beer later, Charlie was more than tipsy. She sat at the counter, swirling the gold liquid around in her glass.

Couples danced, some flirted, others were more than drunk and Charlie was certain a couple was having sex in the back booth. Charlie didn't care.

"Charlie?" Finn's voice made a shiver run up her spine. Charlie turned and gave him a smile.

"Hello," she giggled out.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"Maybe." Charlie's sing-song voice gave away her intoxicated state, that and her unfocused gaze. "Come do shots with me!" She grabbed his arm and ordered five shots each.

Finn laughed before indulging in the drinks.

They talked, well, as much as they could while intoxicated. Others joined them at the bar as Charlie chatted away. Finn had moved his stool closer to Charlie's.

Charlie had ended up leaning against Finn. "We might want to go," Finn said, his voice slurred from the alcohol.

"We should go back to your place." Charlie didn't know where the thought had come from. All she knew was that she wanted Finn. Badly.

Finn's eyes darkened in lust. "Well," he whispered into her ear. "Why don't we get out of here then?" Charlie felt a shiver go up and down her spine.


The two stood up and paid off the tab. They stumbled out of the bar and into a cab. They had barely kept their hands off each other when they reached Finn's home. They walked inside and Finn pinned Charlie against the wall. His hands gripped her hips as they kissed.

Charlie felt a heat pool in her panties as she gripped Finn's hair. That taste of alcohol was on their lips and mouths. Their mouths moved against each other with unrestrained hunger. Finn pulled her from the wall and pulled her deeper into his home. They ended up in his room as Finn pushed her onto his bed then pinned her down. His lips made work of her neck as Charlie moaned and arched her back.

Charlie's core rubbed against Finn's hard length, pulling a whimper from Charlie. Finn quickly ripped Charlie's shirt and threw the scraps to the floor. Charlie's chest heaved with breaths as Finn moved to her breast's. He moved her bra strap and allowed her pink nipple to show. He took it into his mouth as his hand kneaded her other breast.

Breathless moans escaped Charlie as she chanted Finn's name. Charlie tugged at Finn's shirt as she wanted it off. Their movements were sloppy, signs the alcohol hadn't left their systems.

Finn pulled his shirt off before making his way to the buckle on Charlie's bra. Charlie arched, allowing him to take the fabric off. Charlie ran her hands down Finn's chest and towards his pants. Her hand played with the buckle as Finn began to continue his journey southward. His hands found Charlie's pants and popped the button open. He unzipped the fly before he pulled them down her long legs.

Charlie could feel the puddle in her panties as it wet the fabric. Finn's nose skimmed the area above them before he pulled them off.

He leaned on his elbows above her for a moment. Charlie unbuckled his belt and began to slide his pants down. She reached for his boxers, but Finn stopped her. "I gotta take care of my princess first," he said, his voice husky with lust.

His hand wandered down to her core before he stroked her folds. Charlie gasped as he played with her clit. She threw her head back and moaned. Finn took the sound as an invitation to plunge his middle finger into her heat.

Charlie grasped Finn's shoulders. She moaned out his name, causing Finn to pump his finger faster. "Finn," she moaned.

Finn began to rub his thumb along her clit. Charlie began to squirm as the knot in her stomach tightened. Charlie exploded beneath Finn as she screamed.

Finn took his fingers out. He waited as Charlie can down from her high. Once Charlie's breathing had turned normal, Charlie reached for Finn's boxers. She played with the waistband and pulled them down. Finn helped her get them off but stayed on top of her.

He settled between her hips and rubbed his hard length against her slick core. "Now, Finn," she gasped out. Finn didn't need any more invitations. He plunged into Charlie, causing her to release a scream.

He slowly thrusted in as Charlie's walls clamped onto his length. He couldn't get all the way in, but he just kept slowly thrusting. Charlie shivered as Finn's full length entered her. Charlie moaned as Finn grunted with the force he used.

Charlie's nails raked down his back as she rolled her hips against his. "Feel good?" Finn whispered into her ear.

"So good," the end turned into a moan as Finn said played with her breasts. "Finn, faster!" She called out. Finn picked up the sloppy pace. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!" Charlie chanted over and over.

Charlie felt the knot appear in her stomach. It was tighter this time. She felt pleasure every time Finn thrusted into her hole. Charlie felt herself climax just as Finn came. They both moaned and Finn collapsed on top of her. Charlie was too tired to do anything about it, so she laid there.

They were both breathing heavily. Charlie felt her eyes droop close and she welcomed the sleep with open arms.

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