Dec 24

240 8 8

I am SO sorry for not posting i had a lot of stuff to plan and i was really caught up with my intrests lol..- 

Anyway. Im not a coyote and dont think ill ever question a canid theriotype again actually cuz i just dont feel that bond. 

My theriotypes updated for good (like im not questioning anything else right now actually!):

- male timber wolf, i nicknamed him Ace; he had a black timber wolf mate with 2 grey pups and 1 black pup. One of the grey pups died at birth, and the black pup left the pack and was lost in the forest for good. Ace lived in a coniferous forest in Alaska.

- Ace was taking a walk throwout the stream one cold evening and saw that his mate wasnt there as she usually was, it didint matter he still drank from the stream anyway. Once he was done he was travelling back to his den to possibly find his mate again? (Its pretty blurry) but a fur hunter caught him: he got shot. He died lonely and painfully. 

^ most detailed version of my wolf death. 

- female black panther, i nicknamed her Lemon. She had a mate and 3ish(?) kits. Her mate left her at birth. 

(Edit, 9:31-9:45) 

- Once Lemons mate left her she couldnt take care of her kits proper. She started to get very sick, and throughout the months her health was worse she ended up dying with her clueless kits by her side. I also do remeber having a vision of my kits playing around, and after i died? I didint have anymore memories of them, its like they just.. dissapeared?

^ slightly detailed version of my panther death, plus some background context.

- amber and black tortoiseshell cat with bright green eyes and a lavender collar. My owner named her Lace. I do have fond memories of living in a box on the road before a animal shelter picked me up with my sibling. We practically looked identical and i have no recongnition of my parents. My owner picked me up from the animal shelter, thats how i got there. 

-  i was tired of living in that home. So i escaped through the cat flap that leads to the backyard, i jumped the fence and ran into the alleyways. I stayed there for a couple days, drinking small bits of water from puddles when it rained. After that i was pretty tired of living in the streets, it wasnt as good as i expected. So i tried to go back to my house and came across some train tracks. I think you can guess what happened next. 

Bye furry freinds :3

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