Aug 2 2023

98 3 9

Uh oh guys- i just found out something!!! It turns out i thought that the french school was 8-10 blocks away but that was actually the english school and uhh the french school is actually on the other side of town so that sucks!!! Im definitly going to have to go the to the english school now :(((

Not that english schools suck.. but like, ive never been to one before so i dont know if its different :')

Also 22 days until we move, wish me luck 😿

Uhhh back to therian stuff now!!!! 

I uhh im pretty sure (but not 100% ) im a husky with a yellow colored coat, not too sure if that color actually exists but.. ive looked them up and there seems to be photos of « yellow huskies », sooo..

Anyways! Im probably gonna make a mask now! Itll be outta paper mache because i dont have another mask to actually work with lol but thats all! Ill update when i get the mask base done!

~as swift as a panther, 

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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