Oct 22 2023

119 4 12

Hi everypaw!!! >:3 

Im usually never excited for school.. but tomorrow is probably gonna be fun!! (I hope.) and besides, i can see Veronica!! :3

Oh! Today i went to a haunted house! It was superrr fun and cool and scary and the actors were cool too!! 

But bad news: i broke my tv like 2 nights ago on accident-.. SOO uhmm.. luckily my dad isnt mad about it, just disappointed, but i never needed a tv anyway i guess.. i take too many things for granted anyways, so im happy with what i have! :3

I felt really shifty today because it was like foggy and windy and theres a buncha crunchy leaves outside!! And- idk lol

I returned to my tiktok account after like.. 6 months? Which is so exciting!!!! Im so excited to post again! But the only problem is: i need to practice my quads again because i cant even jump anymore- im soooo rusty with quadrobics.. i think i just dropped it after i got to middle school because i never really cared for it at that time butttttt.. i'll update you tmrw to say how good my quadrobics are getting!! Im gonna try to practice for at least an hour (with breaks obviously :3)

I might go to the abandoned field next to my house too.. but it kinda scares me because theres alotta houses that soround the field so like people will just be walking their dogs and then just seeing this random teen in a dress wearing a cat mask jumping around?? So like kinda awkward and what if i get kidnapped!?! Also my dad got attacked by coyotes there before soo... 

Anyways thats all for now! Bye!!

Ace out!!

(Ps: sorryi if theres spelling mistakes i was really rushing this one!!)

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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